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Another morning was spent cleaning an office that was used for who knows what. It was sort of like a meeting area. Ruby hadn't been there to hover over me thank goodness.

Going to the laundry room, I gather Master Aro's and Master Marcus's clothes and Linens. I switched out my blue for my golden apron, tucking the blue into my cart. Wheeling it down the corridor toward their wing.

After some time looking for the latch door Nina was talking about, I finally managed to find it. The stone was laid over the top of it, the only tell of it being a door was the slight indention on one of the blocks. It looks as if it's been slammed a few times more than it should have. Getting the cart inside, the tapestry fell back in place with only a small gas lamp to barely lit the tiny space.

Squinting I found the door I was looking for and slipped into a tiny hallway. I could hear whispers coming from the other side of the wall, the floorboards creaked beneath me, hardly any light.

The latch doors were much like their main doors with the same designs only there were no gems but initials. The first door was a C.

I knocked on the second room with the M. I barely opened it, nudging the tapestry aside.

"Master Marcus! I have your laundry sir! May I come in?"  waiting for him to respond, a minute passed with no response. I slipped through the tiny space with the cart.

It was grand. The entire room was warm, homey, and light. The dark and light browns blended well together like a chocolate swirl. Cream colors brought the room to life and the dark and light greens added just the perfect amount of color to the room making it feel like you were in nature.

The canopy of the bed had a sheer cream sheet, blowing gently in the warm breeze coming through the open balcony. There were no paintings but one. A young woman around seventeen with raven locks and vivid red eyes. She had the softest smile, like she knew a secret but wasn't inclined to tell. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

The vase of tulips underneath her portrait didn't seem right in my opinion. This woman deserved hydrangeas or peonies of pink or red. I looked away from her sweet gaze that seemed to bare into me.

Grabbing his linens I placed them into his wardrobe on his shelf. Grabbed the laundry bags with his pressed suits inside and the other with random articles of clothing. I unzipped the laundry bags and hung his suits up, making sure they were free of lint before handing up the knit sweaters, cardigans, basic tee's... I pulled a pair of dark jeans from the bag.

I didn't expect them to own blue jeans. That's a little shocking honestly even to how many suits they own.

All his clothes were put away now and I quickly remade his bed, fluffing his pillows and tying his curtains back to allow more sunlight into the room. Putting new towels and washcloths in his bathroom, I finally slipped out and went to Master Aro's room.

I barely opened it, nudging the tapestry aside. "Master Aro, I have your laundry, sir! May I come in?" 

I waited for him to respond, and like before a minute passed with no response. I slipped through the tiny space with the cart. I quickly put his things away and made his bed. The only thing different here was his desk was now clean with only an envelope and a single rose sitting on it.

I wandered over to it and glanced down at the envelope. Where the most dramatic yet delicate penmanship adorned the page.

To the lonesome blue who cleaned my chambers.

Aro left me a note? Did I do something? Maybe not... He left a rose on it.

I tried to brush it off and tuck the letter away but my curiosity got me. I quickly opened it, pulling out the thickest piece of paper I ever held. It was surprisingly light.

The Night We Met || Marcus Volturi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now