Twenty-Five-Keep On Loving You

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Keep On Loving You

I quickly covered myself with the blanket that had been lying on the couch while Tyler covered himself with a pillow.

"I don't think I stuttered," my mom said turning around as we tried to recollect ourselves.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." Tyler said, blushing almost as much as I was, picking up his clothes and hurrying out of the house.

"Mom, you can see him?"

"Of course, I could see him in all his glory. Young lady you have a lot of explaining to do."

I sighed realizing this was going to be a long night.

After I took a shower, I came back downstairs to tell my mom a somewhat truthful story about Tyler.

"So, who is he?"

"Remember I was telling you about the guy I was working with on the play?"


"Well that was him, though he doesn't actually go to my school. He was just helping me out."

"So how did you meet him if he doesn't go to your school?"

"He helps out Mrs. Jacobson, the old lady who lives beside us, from time to time since she is really old and has no one to look after her, she hires errand boys to help her. I saw him that first day we moved in but we didn't speak or anything. We got to get to know each other better when I saw him one day, hanging out around the house and from there we kind of just hit it off."

"Why didn't you tell me about him?"

I wanted to say because he's a ghost mom and you would definitely disapprove of that, but instead I replied with, "Because I didn't think it was that serious."

"Um, what I just saw definitely classifies as serious. I didn't even know you were sexually active. How long has this been going on? Did you use protection? Do you love him? Does he even love you?"

"Mom one question at a time."

"Sorry, its just one minute I'm thinking my daughter is all alone besides her friends at school and now I find out she has a boyfriend that she's not only making out with but having sex with."

"It hasn't been very long. A couple of months."

"The sex?" She asked, looking alarmed.

"No that's fairly new. I meant seeing each other and yes we did use protection." Ghost protection, I thought to myself.

"Do you love each other though?"

I paused trying to really think about that question.

"Yes, we do," I said and felt that this was true to some extent.

"Well I won't be that mom to stop you from seeing each other but there will be some rules. The first being that I properly get to meet him over dinner tomorrow night and there will be no more visits without me being present and no more sex in my home, do you understand me?"

"Yes, but what if he's too busy to meet you tomorrow night."

"Then he won't be dating my daughter."

Later on that night, Tyler was waiting in my room in deep thought.

"Hey so how did it go?" He asked softly as soon as I closed the door.

"Disastrous. Not only does she not want you around unless she is present, but she wants to meet you for dinner tomorrow night."

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