Happier Than Ever :)

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TW : Usage of curse words, the s-slur, the f-slur, and mentions of killing ones self

For the people who like Long One-shots :)

Will's POV :

"-ILL WAKE UP ITS TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I groggily wake up wiping the sleep from my eyes. I feel the sun from my window shining over my face making me turn over. I blink my eyes trying to wake up a bit more and swing my legs over the edge of my bed. The floor feels cool under my feet as I become more and more aware of my surroundings.

I eventually stand up and stretch my arms hearing a satisfying crack. Walking into the kitchen with my pajama pants dragging a bit at the floor as they were a little longer than my legs since they used to be Jonathans.

"Hey mom," "Hey sweetie I made you some waffles, how do you wanna go to school today cause I have work I need to get to." I sit down at the table grabbing a fork and digging into the fluffy waffles. "I'll bike there with mike, he said he has someone he wants to show me." "Ok, just be careful and fun at at school." I hear my mom say as she walks and grabs her keys. "Bye mom!" I yell with my mouth full.

I hear the door shut and start to finish up my breakfast hurrying to my room and getting dressed. My clothes aren't all that like other kids but I'm not complaining. My mom works a lot to keep up with paying for the house and food which I am very appreciative for. Putting on my blue jean shorts and a blue, red, and white striped shirt tucking it in, adding a rainbow rope bracelet that I got for my birthday. I slip on some convers then grab my back pack slinging it onto my back running outside to grab my bike.

Taking a running start I jump onto my bike feeling the cool morning breeze air in my face and hair, just feeling free and euphoria from it. Biking to Mikes house always is as if reliving memories of the past when we were kids. Now were older and more 'Mature' which is what Johnathan calls it. Honestly I wish we didn't have to 'Mature' I just wish we could be kids again with no care in the world just having fun.

There are so many things that I wish for but dreams apparently never come true for me. Just like in the past not being able to fall asleep because I knew I would never be able to tell Mike my feelings, he liked Jane and Jane liked mike there's no changing that. I've decided to just give up on my feelings for mike because I know that my fantasies of ever being with him will never happen. There all silly little dreams.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I see Mikes street coming up and just pushing all those thoughts to the back of my head to deal with later. I've always been amazed by how pretty his street is, trees and pretty houses with colorful mailboxes passing by me as I glide through the turns in the road. As I get closer to mikes house I can see two silhouettes standing next to their bikes in his driveway.

At first I thought it was Nancy but then remember she has a car to get to school. I pick up the pace curious to see who this new person is. "Hey Will" "What's up person I have never met" I hear them both say as I stop my bike next to Mike's mail box which is a plain navy blue color which I have memorized by now. I look at the two of them and notice how similar they look minus the huge glasses and curlier hair the other one has.

"Who's this Mike?" "Oh! His name is Richie he's my cousin. His family decided to visit a few days ago." I nod my head at the new stranger whos name is Richie giving a slight smile as well. "Don't mind me I just wanted to tag along instead of being dead ass bored in that house with Mr. Teddie."  Richie says with an eye role.

I see mike just hit him on the back telling him to shut up. Mike drags Richie by his arm and they get one their bikes. We all are riding to school with some bickering of the cousins next to me. I'm not really paying attention as most of their bickering is about stupid stuff like calling each other a loser or nerd. Apparently Richie embraces being a loser which I don't know if that's healthy or not but oh well.

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