New Beginnings pt. 1

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━━━━  October 9th  ━━━━

A week of sobbing, wine and pizza has gone by since that day. Emotionally drained with trying to find out the next step, didn't help your mother kept asking you if you were okay or if you even left the house.

You kept blaming yourself, maybe if you hadn't left, she wouldn't have been there. You're slipping further, you didn't realize it, but you were deeply broken, and it wasn't just Floch.

Fuck him, he was an asshole anyway.

But there was a lot you hid away and ignored. You had many demons except Floch was... he was ...

Coming out of sleep, you immediately feel uncomfortable. God, its fucking hot. Jesus my back, I can't take this anymore.

Moving in with your mother wasn't something on your bingo card for the year, even worse, neither was sleeping on her shitty futon.

Sitting up you reach for your phone charging on the side table. Are you serious? Its noon? Standing up to stretch, you make your way to the restroom.

Maybe a nice cold shower will help, maybe I'll play Joji and cry my fucking eyes out too... Yano what fuck this.

Grabbing your phone and a change of clothes from the hall closet you run to the bathroom. Turning on the shower you look in the mirror and stare at yourself.

"Alexa! Play Don't Rock Me to Sleep by Megan Thee Stallion" Alexa responded and the song started to play as you hopped in the shower.

While washing your hair, you were changing the mood for the day. Determined to make this day your bitch was all that mattered in the moment.

Washing your body off you occasionally swung your hips to the beat. Yelling out loud with the lyrics "GUESS THAT FUCK BOY FREE GLOW REALLY HITTIN"

You finish showering and throw a towel over your hair and fold it up. Putting on your black skinny jeans, a lacey black push-up bra and a tight black tank top that perfectly showed off your chest.

Singing to the lyrics of Big Ole Freak by Megan Thee Stallion, you started putting on your makeup.

Concealer, brow gel, powder and mascara were all you really needed to feel beautiful. Sure, there were days where you could beat your face to the Gods, but there wasn't any need for that, nor did you have the energy to do so.

Taking out your hair and brushing through it, you ran back to the hall closet for your socks and checkered vans.

You glance out the window and notice the dull sky, turning back around you grab your black and grey windbreaker.

After putting on your shoes and jacket, you check yourself one last time.

For a minute, you're doubtful, once again your own enemy in your head, you brush it off, grab your tinted lip balm and purse and head for the door.

You know your way around Portland pretty well since your mom moved here two years ago. Making your way through the neighborhood, you made it to a pretty area filled with shops and restaurants.

You spot your bank and immediately, as if a lightbulb came on, there's no way, I mean it's been a week... he can't be that stupid.

Making your way to the ATM you pull out your wallet. Floch and you shared an account for the house you were planning on purchasing and since you already owned an account here it was logical to open the savings here.

Putting in your card you checked on the balance in the account. No fucking way, you started laughing, you're completely shocked.

There it was, all of it, 30 thousand dollars.

You went in and closed out the account, telling the bank you guys were purchasing the home but it needed to be in one account, not a shared one.

Sure, you could have told the truth but that wouldn't be fun. Besides fucker kept all the furniture you had purchased for the apartment, not like you wanted it back anyways, they probably fucked on everything.

Ew, after transferring accounts you left with the biggest grin, feeling amazing.

Taking out your phone you decide to send Floch a little message, writing: "For my troubles 💋"

Pressing send, you laugh, am I losing my mind? I don't give a fuck though.

Once you pressed block, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Sure, you still had to work on the loss of something so dear to you.

Maybe it had to happen, it wasn't the right time.

You were still very upset over the topic but reminding yourself a day at a time was all you could do.

I will get there; I'm allowed to hurt, but I won't let someone else use it to take advantage of me.

You decided to treat yourself and notice a boba shop just a few blocks ahead, uh ya that sounds fucking delicious, and turn on your heels and started walking.

Making it to the door, you're welcomed with the warm smell of mochi doughnuts and milk tea.

Wasn't much of a line considering the time, after a few short minutes of deciding what you wanted, it was your turn to order.

The girl behind the register was cute, she had brown hair slicked back into a high pony, and you noticed she was wearing a TV Girl band tee. Wow, I love her already...

"Hello! Welcome to Mochi Nut, I'm Sasha, what can I get you today?"

━━━━━━━━( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ━━━━━━━━

AN: Okay so this was a bit longer, what do we think? Now I'm not 100% sure on how transferring that amount of money goes but I thought Y/N deserved a huge win over shitty ass Floch.

(God, I hate him with a burning passion, so I like when he's still written like as an asshole)

Anyways, let me know what you think, I hope to have the next chapter up soon and I'll try to make it longer, since I don't want to keep you, guys waiting for Jean <3 (AHHHH I'm so excited)

Til next time, thank you for reading.

Happy Reading
          - Haru

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