New Beginnings pt. 2

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"Hello! Welcome to Mochi Nut, I'm Sasha, what can I get you today?" You notice her smile was warm, inviting, she was definitely captivating all together. She was effortlessly beautiful, Sasha huh...

You snap out of it, as you notice you haven't said anything, and just staring at her, ew, stop being weird. "Oh, hi, can I get a medium Taro milk tea *you can substitute for your favorite flavor, taro just happens to be mine ^~^with boba please, and I'll take one mochi waffle too."

Sasha smiled and nodded while tapping on her screen, "Alight, all together that's gonna be $13.50 today" She looked up to you with that same smile, oh my god stop it, how is she so cute.

"Will that be cash or card?"

"Card" You responded as you handed the card over to her.

Sasha, hands you your receipt and says "Perfect, it's gonna be ready in ten" You nod and flash her a smile but before walking away, you slip a $5 bill in the tip jar and say, "Sick shirt by the way."

She looks at you and immediately her she's flush, "oh my god, you listen to TV girl?" Did I just imagine that? There's no way. "Uh yea, I actually saw them live last year."

Bitch, why do you keep talking she's gonna think your weird.

She didn't respond, well there goes that, this is why you don't have any friends. You walk away awkwardly, once again you're all in your head.

A horrible habit of yours.

Maybe she deems you as weird now, since you can't go back home cause of that asshole you used to fuck, you're gonna have to find friends to be around. You can't just stay at your mom's side 24/7. Well, I guess you could, but she has a life too.

Living with Floch, you noticed you had drifted away from every friend you had. He took up all of your time, you used to think that was something you wanted too.

However, this time away from him made you realized all the horrible stuff he used to do when you would disagree with him.

He would say no one could understand you like he did. Everyone would see you as a nuisance. Like a helpless animal, he took you in, made you believe the world hated you and only he could make you feel safe.

Why did I agree to anything he said, was he right...? You thought he saved you...

I thought I loved him, I thought he loved me...

But he...

Was that love...?


my chest is getting tight...

"Order number 29!" You're completely frozen, and suddenly, you hear a voice that pulls you right out. Grabbing your receipt, you notice that's your order, you go up and see Sasha staring at you, fuck, she totally thinks I'm weird now, way to go

"Uh order 29, right?" You ask, slightly chucking just trying to ease the anxiety so you can run the fuck out of there. "Yea, hey are you alright by the way?"

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