Chapter 2

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Stef's POV

Lena and I sat with each other in chemistry, and we would be each other's lab partners for the whole semester to come.

When second period came, we went our separate ways, and through second, third, and fourth period, I kind of missed her.

When lunch came, I spotted Dan and Jeremy at a table in the back of the cafeteria.

"Hey, Stef." Dan said, greeting me with a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey." I replied. He put his arm around me as we sat down. He was always touching me. Sometimes I liked it, but at times it got to be too much.

"Is Lena coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, she stopped in the bathroom." Replied Jeremy.

"Actually, I kind of have to go too." I said getting up. "I'll be back in a sec." Dan pulled me in for another kiss before I left.

I thought to myself,
'Why do you need a kiss? Aren't you going to see me in two minutes?'
But, of course, I didn't say anything.

I turned to walk to the bathroom.
I really did have to go, but some part of me just wanted to see Lena again. It was kind of weird...

"Hey Stef!" I heard Lena's voice from across the hall.

I turned. "Oh hey! I'm just heading to the bathroom."

"Oh, I was just there but I'll come with." She smiled.

"Sounds good." I replied.

She wanted to come with me...and it made me really happy. Maybe she was feeling the same thing I was being in each other's presence just felt so good.

As I went to the bathroom, she fixed her hair in the mirror. When I came out, I did the same.

"I love your hair." She suddenly said to me. "Is that a natural wave??"

"Yeah it is, I usually straighten it though." I replied laughing.

"What?!" She practically screamed. "It's beautiful natural! How could you ever straighten this???" She picked up a piece of my hair then put it back down.

"Sometimes I just hate the curls. And thank you." I could feel myself blushing.

We walked out of the bathroom and I led Lena to the table we were sitting at.

When I sat down next to Dan, he leaned over to me.

"Baby, did I mention how good your ass looks today?" He whispered quietly in my ear.

I rolled my eyes playfully and he winked at me.

The four of us went up to get our lunches, and in the line I over heard Lena and Jeremy's conversation.

"So what do you say about Saturday night?" Jeremy asked Lena.

"What about Saturday night?" She asked back, puzzled.

"My parents aren't gonna be should come over. I'll buy some candles...turn off the lights...we can do some kissing...get into some...other stuff..." He smirked at Lena and grabbed her around the waist from behind, putting his chin on her shoulder.

For some reason, I felt like I should protect her and keep her safe from this. It was almost out of...jealousy? But I wasn't jealous. Was I? No. No I wasn't.

My thoughts were confusing me, so I kept quiet.

"Jeremy you know how I feel about that." She replied, escaping his embrace.

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