special chapter (julie's pov)

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I ran out of the garage, fighting back my tears. Putting in my earphones, I continued running. The music was so loud, it drowned out my thoughts. By the time I got to school, it was time for first period. Music. I ran into class, where Flynn had saved me a seat.

"Are you good?" She asked. I didn't dare speak, so I nodded uncertainly.

"Julie, you are first up" Mrs Harrison called. I walked over to the piano. I hadn't had time to prepare a song., So I went for the only song I couldn't stop thinking about. Big mistake. I started playing the tune and tears began streaming down my face. I somehow managed to power through the entire song. At the end, everyone was looking at me.

"Julie, are you OK?" Mrs Harrison asked. I nodded, then shook my head.

"How about you and Flynn get some air?" I nodded, and Flynn followed me outside.

"Jules. What's up?" she asked.

"I can touch the boys."

"That's awesome! So why are you crying?"

"I thought it meant I could have a chance with Luke. I was going to play that song for him this afternoon. It's called perfect harmony. I thought of it when I performed with Nick in dance class."

"Oh, it was a good song. Don't worry."

"He doesn't like me anymore, He likes Reggie." I cried.

"He WHAT!" Flynn growled. "I still have the keys to the cafeteria. Let me go get some ice cream, OK." I nodded. Flynn stormed off.

"So sad." A voice taunted." You got rejected by your dream guy., What a shame." I turned my head to see a man.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the person who can help you." He prompted "for a small price..."

"What do you mean?"

"You have gone through so much the past year. The loss of your mother, the potential loss of your... phantoms. Now the loss of your boyfriend. What would you say if I could change that?"

"You can't. My mom's dead, my holograms are fine. And Luke wasn't my boyfriend."

"I can bring her back."

"My ... mum?"

"Yes. And I can fix that problem with Luke. Hand over Reggie and we'll call it even."

"Bu- "

"He's the reason Luke broke up with you, isn't he?" I hesitated.

"Why do you want Reggie?"

"I tried to help him, but he was too stubborn. He doesn't get that he belongs with me. It's in his best interests that he comes with me."

"And it won't affect Luke or Alex?"

"Of course not." He promised. I sighed.

"OK. Deal. What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Caleb Covington." He smiled, shaking my hand.

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