chapter one - our first meeting

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i was awaken by my alarm, i look up from my pillow to see that i was half and hour late. i sprung up out of bed and quickly brushed my hair until it was perfect. i slipped on my uniform and dashed past the bathroom, taking one glance wondering if i should brush my teeth or not. i felt i shouldn't because i was late and i wanted to keep these stanky chompers. i said goodmorning to my mother and cursed at her for not waking me up and stole her toast. i ran out the door and had toast in my mouth as my boobies jiggled each step. i grabbed a late pass at the office and did my generic anime girl run to my class before i was anymore late. i entered the classroom and sat in my seat. 5 minutes later a boy enters the room. i was mesmerized, ive never seen somebody so.. hot! bold! strong! i drooled as i stared him walk up to the front of the class. "hi guys im johnny" he said. i blushed as he looked at me and then looked away. i shoved the girl next to me off her seat so he could sit next to me. i slapped the seat next to me screaming, "HE CAN SIT NEXT TO ME!!!" i said with a smirk winking at him 27 times. he blushed and he walked slowly to the seat next to me. since we were both late, class had ended quite quickly. johnny is at his locker with some girl, she was naked and fat. i got jealous. i decided to run into him on purpose, so i could interrupt them. i ran and pushed myself onto him to make it look like an accident. he and the girl helped me up, and gave the girl a side glance. she hissed at me. he told me that this was his sister. i stood in shock for a moment. and then i replied with...

 and then i replied with

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