chapter two - johnnys family

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"im so sorry." i said cutely. she said it was ok. johnny interrupts and tells me that he has more family at home and asks if i would like to meet them. i happily agree hoping that this would make him like me more. he tells me to come over tomorrow since school is canceled tomorrow. i ask what time and his sister tells me at 1pm. he gives me his number and i tremble with happiness and joy while drooling.
next day, i arrive at the address that he messaged me and i knocked on the door. before i knocked on the door i smelt my armpits to make sure its not stanky. i then realized there was a ring camera. i cried for a minute and then knocked on the door. some orange lady opened the door and said, "HAY BIATCH," as she dragged me in by my weave. i told her that this wig was 250 dollars on sale at the salon and not to pull it. "I DONT CARE YOU'LL BE BALD LIKE MY DAUGHTER!!!" she screamed. "SHUT UP MOM DONT TELL HER💔" his sister yelled from the upstairs bathroom. johnny ran down the stairs like a cool anime boy moment to save his new future gf and stubbed his toe during it. he played it cool even though he face planted onto the floor. the orange lady laughed at him. i asked who is this orange stupid stinky sticky cranky orange girl is. he told me that it was his mother. hearing that i quickly got up and apologized. while getting up, i see an old woman with brown hair in the living room. "JOHNNY IS THAT YOUR FUTURE GF??" she squeals. "sorry that's my grammy wammy" says johnny. "HE STILL GETS FED BY HER!!" the sister yells from upstairs. and once she comes downstairs, i stare at all of them and think, wow🥺 this is.. one.... amazingly..... STUPID FUCKING FAMILY.


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