chapter three - bestie westies

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as i walked out of johnnys house, im walking on the sidewalk as my boobies jiggle each step. i then feel something grab my ankle. i turn around and nothing was there. i keep walking and i hear a bark. i turn around again and i see one streak of red hair before it vanished into the shadows. i run back home anime girl uwu style as i panicked. when i get into my house my mother tells me she finished making dinner and that im a fat ugly bitch. i smack her with my purse and call her an ugly fat hoe. i go to my room and plopped onto my bed while i realized i had a wedgie because of my big fat buttcheeks. i go shower and change then try to sleep. as i stare at my ceiling and i wonder what i saw this night, at johnnys. i thought nothing of it and dozed off.
i woke up and it was 7am. i got ready for school and did my generic anime girl uwu style run to school. dashing through the halls i see johnny and his hairless naked fat sister. i run towards them until i trip over something. i get up and see something crawling on the floor with red hair. she stands up and she has dog ears or some shit. i ask her what her name is. "bark jocelyn bark." she says. so her name was jocelyn huh? apparently, she was new here. and she was also in ALL of my classes. i scoffed and headed to johnny and his sister. they told me that she just transferred here since she heard someone she knew was going here. supposedly, this jocelyn girl is a family friend and goes into their backyard sometimes. i laugh and say shes a furry. the bell rings and we go to class. "sup bitches, today we are going to be doing pairs." my eyes lit up and i stared at johnny drooling. i hope i get with him. "jessica and alex, johnny and tokko, jocelyn and y/n..." WHAT. i thought in my head. NO FUCKING WAY I GOT WITH THE NEWBIE. i look to the back of the class where she sits and she's sitting there texting away on her phone. her face doesn't look happy either. this bitch. i walk up to her desk and push her phone down. "if u gonna work with me, at least be happy about it." i said while i spat at her. in the middle of our project, she tells me about how her ex came to this school and she was just texting him. she had a sad face because he got with jessica instead of her. i tell her i feel the same way because i wanted to be with johnny. we figure out we have a lot in common and we become bestie westies. still kinda weird how shes a furry thou. i dont really care. as long as she helps me get closer to johnny.

she says, "we got this project in the bag, bestie westies?"
also shes emo

she says, "we got this project in the bag, bestie westies?"also shes emo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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