Beginnings and Endings

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Hoshizawa Hotaru was currently standing in the middle of a sea of people inside Karasuno High School. It was in Miyagi prefecture and just ten minutes away from her house where her family just moved in since her father's job got relocated.

Since it was the start of the new school year, the students are all out in the hallways trying to recruit first years into their designated clubs, either luring them in or simply appealing to them. After all, the entrance ceremony was already finised too.

Voices could be heard all around the school and Hotaru felt quite nauseous because of her surroundings. She wasn't exactly used to so much people and she's always trying her best to avoid large crowds like this.

It wasn't that she's afraid of it or anything, but she's simply getting dizzy at the sight of different faces and the shouting wasn't helping either.

Several people already approached her and asked her to join their club. Saying that it would help them a lot if there was someone as tall as her in their team or it would be good if they have an attractive girl, as their club would probably garner attention if she were to join.

Just because she was a little good-looking and a little tall, doesn't mean she's good at the things they were suggesting her to join at. Oh man~ now she's feels a little irritated. She just wanted to get this day over with and relax at her home.

A girl wearing glasses, with black locks and her fringe covering her forehead, walked up to her, handing out a flier with a smile, "Would you like to join?" She was also wearing the school uniform with blazers and black stockings on like, Hotaru.

Hotaru looked over at the piece of paper then back at the girl's face. The word pretty wasn't going to cut her description for the girl. Also, she seemed like a senior according to her guts, though if she said that to anyone, they'd probably give her a weird look.

"Uhmm.. Can I think about it first?" Hotaru got the flier from her hand, plastering a small smile at her face so that it would at least show that she was interested.

"Sure! If you ever want to submit it, just find me in the second gymnasium after classes, alright?" The girl waved goodbye, still wearing a small smile. Hotaru just bowed a bit before starting to walk.

She was looking around and was reaching the third years' classrooms when someone zoomed past her, making her skirt fly up a bit and startling her.

Her eyes followed the person and all she could see was a flash of maroon, possibly because he was wearing the school's tracksuit and a flurry of bright, orange hair. She tip-toed a bit and saw that someone from the basketball club tried to stop the lively boy from going further and asked in a loud voice if he had decided on what club activity he was joining.

Unfortunately, the shorter guy has some amazing reflexes and just slipped past through the now-gawking basketball player, not forgetting to respond, "Volleyball club!"

Some player he was...

Hotaru fought back the snicker that she was holding in and held up a hand when she saw the paper that was still intact.

Interesting, was what she thought when she read the words again.

She might as well try this one out; of course, not as a player but as someone who would help out to either clean up or run errands and such.


Hotaru was currently sitting inside her classroom now, beside the window at the row second to the last one. Unfortunately, she was place in one of the college preparatory classes; Class 1-4

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