going in

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Louise's pov

"So I'm supposed to video tape you climbing down into the hole so you can show kids at school?" Tina clarifies. "Yea because babies don't go into holes they come out of them." I reply. "Ok you have to stop saying that." She adds. "And what am i supposed to do again?" Gene asked confused. "You Say louise don't go down there it's dangerous, and when I go anyway you gasp." I told him. "Like this?" And he gasped very badly. "No do it better?" I said. "Can i say "honey no?" He asked. "No." Tina says with me. "How about "whaaat?'" He suggested. "Just the Line and then the gasp is great, thank you." I say turning to the hole infront of me. "All those in favor of doing this tomorrow morning? Gene I see your hand is almost up." Tina claims. "No. Mom and dad would try and stop me it has to be now. Role tape." I told her. "Ok." She answered. I can hear her groaning as I step towards the hole. I mumble to myself "it's not that scary, you're just all in your head right now. Get out of your head. Big girl. Pajama pants. Come on." "Louise don't go down there it's dangerous." I hear Gene drag out three times. "I can't." I say leaving the hole. "Oh not what I was expecting." Gene said disappointed. "Yea well let's just forget i even brought it-" the ground below me gave out and I fell into the hole. The mud was warm, squishy and gross. "Louise are you ok?" Tina yells to me. "Yes." I answer. "Did you mean to wave your arms all over the place while falling into the hole because if so you nailed it." Gene stated. "Yes it all went great can you toss me the light?" I ask above. "Here." Tina dropped it on my head. "Ow." I said trying to find the light. "Did you say ow cuz you caught it?" I didn't answer tina. "Stupid light why won't you turn on?" The light had stopped working, most likely because of the fall. "So is that a wrap?" Tina wondered. "Yep, yea I think we're good, wanna go ahead and help me out? I'll grab the rope and try to climb up and you guys pull." I direct her. I hear Gene say "with our arms?" Clearly not wanting to do it and tina agreeing. "Tell us when." I hear tina say. "Ok pull." I say. I slip trying to climb up and getting my foot stuck. "Ah hold on my foots stuck, my foots stuck that's not at all terrifying. Everything's gonna be fine." As I try to pull it out I hear a small click and then immense pain. I screamed. "Louise?!?" Both my siblings yell. "I think- I think I broke my ankle." It was still trapped and felt like it was pulsing. "I'll go get mom and dad!" Tina yells running away. Gene stayed with me though. He must have heard me start crying because he said "when you get out you won't have to work because of your ankle won't that be cool?" "Yea I guess." I asking biting my tongue and trying to suck it up. I can't even try to stand again with out it shooting with pain. "Louise?!? Louise Oh my god." I can hear dad yelling. "Louise baby can you stand up?" Mom asks looking down at me. "No i can't, it hurts too much." I yell back. "I'm gonna call ambulance." Dad yells. I can hardly see anything as I give up and fall back to lay in the mud. I look into the wall infront of me and I see a stick or something in it I try to reach it to see if I can use it to pull my self up, but it falls and I scream. The stick was a skeleton and I pulled it out along with a ton of dirt. There's dirt everywhere up to my chest now and I really can't move. "Louise? What happened?" I hear. I feel like I can't hardly breathe from all the dirt now. "There's dirt everywhere, I tried to get up but it all fell out. And there's a fricking skeleton too! I cant breathe." Yelling that just hurt even more. My chest hurts but I don't know why, I doubt dirt could have broken anything, but at the same time I cant move. "It's gonna be ok louise help is on the way." I can hear the sirens in the distance. It's gonna be ok, I'll be fine it's fine. I keep telling myself. If only I'd gone to bed. "Hey Louise is it?" I hear from an unknown voice. "Yes?" I say. "Hey, im officer Jamie were gonna get you out ok?" He says reassuringly. "Ok." I yell back. I hear some yelling for getting a ladder and a few moments later there's a long ladder and multiple firemen coming down into the hole. They try digging some space for me with there hands but then one yells out. "Hey Sarg? We got a problem." "What is it?" "This isn't dirt, it's rubble we can't dig her out." "Come back up here." The sarg yells. And they left. I can hear muffled speaking above but I don't know what they're saying. I guess I couldn't see well enough to know it was rubble, I mean it felt hard but I didn't think it would more than dirt, so maybe I did hurt my chest. "Louise? It's officer Jamie again, listen, the firemen can't get you out just yet, they called for some tools to help and then they come down there and dig you out ok? Are you in any pain other than your foot?" "My chest hurts a lot, I feel like I can't breathe." "Ok louise, listen just breathe as well as you can and don't waste your breath. Well fix you at the hospital." I don't reply to him, and he backs away from my view. I wonder how long the tools will take? I thought they would only need like shovels or pickaxes. I just want to go to sleep, yet there's too much happening for me to sleep. My light is probably trapped under all this, meaning I'll never get it back. I can't believe Two of them have been ruined. Looking up I can see Tina and Gene looking at me, they must think I'm stupid for doing this to myself. I can feel more tears rolling down my cheeks, my foot hurts so bad, and so does my brain. Thinking is hard and I don't want to do it anymore, yet it never stops. I start hearing more cars approaching which must be the tools they were talking about. I hear sudden yelling and then more people coming down the hole with shovels. The first one speaks to me. "Look so we can start digging from where you are because you might get hurt, so we're going to start from the outside and come closer until we can use our hands. Just hang on for about another 30 minutes and we'll get you out." I can only shake my head at him. I can't turn to watch them dig I can only listen to the clinking of the tools and them slowly approaching, once I feel the presence of them behind me I hear them drop there tools. "Louise, we're almost there we're using our hands now just hold on ok?" I hear from behind. "Ok." I squeaked out. When they removed the dirt from my chest, one of the firemen help me remove my foot from where it was stuck. Just the movement of the dirt hurt my foot. "Owwwww." I kept groaning. "It's ok it'll hurt less when it's not in pressure anymore ok, come on you can do it." I hear. When my foot it unleashed from the dirt I get carried to an ambulance. As I'm being rushed away I hear my mom yelling "well be there for you at the hospital ok louise? Dont worry." All that did was made me worry. Am I gonna die? The EMTS are taking my vitals and asking me questions about my pain, im practically wheezing my answers out, they gave me oxygen which helped some but it still hurt. When we got to the hospital the first thing they did did was get me and X-ray. And before I knew it I was out. However I woke up in much less pain, in a hospital room. I see mom and dad on one side and Gene and tina on the other. "Ughhh what happened?" "Oh louise you're awake!" I hear from mom. "What happened?" I asked again. "The doctors said you had a collapsed lung, they tried a chest tube and it didn't work so they took you in for surgery. But it's all wrapped up now and so is your foot. Are you in any pain?" Dad asked me. "Some but not as much as before." I answered. "You were asleep for a whole day." Gene exclaimed to me. "Wow." Is all I could reply with. "How long do I need to stay here?" I ask. "We aren't sure yet, I'll go tell a nurse you woke up." Dad says, and he leaves. He comes back and so does a nurse who asks me the typical routine questions. Before she left she said a doctor would be in shortly to discuss recovery with us. "Wait, wheres- wheres my ears?" I'm sitting straight up now looking around the room. "Louise it's ok look at me." Mom says, I turn to face her. She holds out my ears all dirty. "You can't wear them yet, because of all the mud but they're right here it's ok." "Oh." I said. Atleast I didn't lose them too I don't know what I would do with out them. Well isn't that pathetic? Needing a hat to feel Secure? To think it started with them in first place, maybe these things are just a curse. I'm glad I cant wear them, maybe I can finally detach from them. Who am I kidding I need them. Even just in my eye sight isn't good enough. The doctor comes in saying hello. "Good to see you awake louise, how are you?" She said. "Fine I guess." I answer not knowing what she wants from me. "That's good. So we need to discuss youre recovery. You can leave in a week but you'll need a follow up two weeks after. You cant do any physical activity for one week after you go home, to ensure your lung will not collapse again. And light activity for your foot, you'll need to wear the cast for 8 weeks. Do you have any questions?" "No." I answer. She looked to my parents and said "I prescribed her some pain meds for when she goes home so make sure you get that filled out. It's a liquid medicine, twice a day." "Ok, thank you doctor." Mom said. "Of course and louise i wish you a speedy recovery." She said as she was getting ready to leave. "Thank you." I replied. I didn't really know what to say to her anyway, it was very awkward. "Wait so what happened to the skeleton that was by me?" I asked mom and dad. "All we know is they're investigating it, they haven't identified the body yet." Dad said. "Oh, we'll it was gross." I added. "I can only imagine." Dad told me. With nothing left to say we sat in silence until a nurse came to say visiting hours were over. "Ok louise sleep well, and we'll be back tomorrow ok?" Dad said. "Ok." I confirmed. "We love you goodbye my baby." Mom said. "Bye." I havent no clue how to have a normal conversation now. It feels so tense and forced. And there was nothing to do in this room so I slept. When I woke up a nurse was changing my iv Bag. She told me she would bring breakfast soon. So I waited and waited for ever and ever until the sad looking eggs and bacon arrived for me to eat. This was probably the first time I've eaten breakfast with no one else there. I ate the hardly fulfilling breakfast that was provided, and sought to my mind for imagination until my family arrived once again. My imagination was pretty dull however, leaving me with boring plans to enact my revenge on Chloe Barbash. I want something new and exciting, yet I can't think of any. And when my family arrived I still hadn't thought of any. I ask Gene and tina "so you guys aren't going for the last few days then huh?" "No, we'd rather be here anyway." Tina said. "Yea the last few days are always the same, watch a movie, play a word game, etc." Gene added. "Well, thanks I guess." I said without making eye contact. "It's so boring in here, do you guys know that? After you left yesterday the only option I had was to sleep. And the food? It's like eating two grapes. It's nothing." I say in general, I hate this place so much, it's dumb. "Yea, that's typically why I avoid hospitals." Dad told me. "We'd bring you food louise but we aren't allowed to bring anything at all, but when you get home they'll be a ton of food." Mom said. "Yea we can have a buffet." Gene pointed out. "Gene." Dad said sternly.  "Yea I guess we can." I agreed. I'm not sure if I was excited to go home either though, it would probably be better than here but home doesn't feel right anyways. "They identified the skeleton last night, he was a carnie from the wharf. Cotton candy Dan. The police are still looking for suspects." Tina said. "Oh wow, some gross carnie fell on me. Great." I said dripping with sarcasm. For the rest of their stay it was mostly small talk, there was nothing really important to say. This week was by far the slowest week of my life, what's worse was I couldn't sleep through it, and even with nothing to say they all came to visit everyday. The most interesting thing was one day before my discharge. "They think mr fishoeder was the one who killed cotton candy Dan, they found a bullet from his gun in dans chest. Yet they can't find fishoeder." Tina told me. "Wow fisheoder? I didn't peg him for the murder type. Let alone the get caught with it type." I said. "I know right, I guess we don't have to worry about rent now though." Mom said. "Well not this month anyway." Dad added. After I found that out me and gene and tina played sticks for the last hour until they had to leave. We kept getting confused and playing wrong but it doesn't matter because it kept me distracted from the atmosphere of the room.  And the next day I was gone, after what felt like hours of paper work I finally got to go home, although dad insisted on carrying me up the stairs. If you didn't know I was injured you'd think he was the one in the accident. My foot hurt so much until they gave me the medicine, and I was happy because it was a good tasting medicine, not that bad kind. And I got fed delicious Chicken and fries with it. I filled my face until there was no more room. It felt great to be full for once. I was gonna need crutches but I wouldn't get them until the follow up for my lungs, so I was pretty much immobilized once again. I got my hat back and kept wearing it even if I didn't like it at times. Now that's it's summer and I can't even move I'm pretty depressed. I would rather be helping down stairs than stuck up here.  And mom and dad make Tina or Gene stay up here to make sure I don't try anything. I hate that they know how stubborn I am. I'm glad I didn't die as I first suspected in the ambulance however. If I did die, it would have been like Chloe won and make my words she will not win, I will screw her over for what she said. I might as well take the precieus  red hair of hers and see how much of a mean girl she is when she's bald. This summer is going to suck, why did I have to be so stupid as to think going in the hole would end well. I should have thought of something else, or something less painful. And I shouldn't have gotten tina and gene involved, it's not their fault im not brave. So now im a coward and stupid, great. I guess i thought I'd be proving my point but I think I just made the losing argument. Goddamnit I can't tell if im angry at everyone else or just me. Why did that stupid pipe burst anyway? All it did was make this whole families life harder than it was before. It's unfair. How come it's always us? This shit never happens to anyone else. Maybe I'll just be a baby forever. I never do anything to try to fix messes all I do is create them. Maybe bring a dumb baby Is my destiny, or my role. I hate my role, I wish i was anyone else. I do have some happy memories but it kind of feels like the bad outweighs the good. I'm just confused. I don't know anymore. I can't do this anymore. I give up, I guess this is just the way things happen, and no matter what you can't change them. Like I can't fix this foot, I can't fix our money problems, I can't even fix my own social life. Who needs one anyway? I'll just be my own person, with a broken foot and a damn body guard. I hope this comes off before school is over I don't even wanna think about going to school with a broken foot. I'm too tired for all of this I'm just gonna sleep it away and be done until there's nothing left to be done.

"hole" //bobs burgers Where stories live. Discover now