naruto is a 15 year old boy who is a strong ninja he's funny and has lots of friends and people who look up to him but there's one person that doesn't and that one person is sasuke uchiha the rogue ninja himself naruto is devastated when his friend...
Sasuke was screaming at me because I accidentally dropped a plate he always gets mad at me for the littlest things I do he then slapped me he then pushed me down and started kicking at me I then secured my arms around my stomach so he wouldn't have access to that he kept landing blows to my face I screamed with each blow to my face he then got done and said I hope you don't make me mad ever again because next time I'll make sure you and that thing won't make it before you even birth it
Naruto pov I sat there crying as I watched Sasuke walking away as if he achieved being granted as a kage i then let it all out he then yelled at me to keep it down I listened to him because I knew the words he said were true he didn't care about me or this so called thing in my stomach and I knew he would kill our baby I knew I would survive but I didn't know if my child would
Naruto pov I walked over to the bathroom and cleaned my cuts at this point I was a professional at cleaning cuts I started to think I could be a medical Shinobi because I have so much experience at dealing my cuts and bruises I walked over to me and Sasuke's bedroom and laid down I quickly fell asleep because I cried a lot
3 hours later
Naruto pov I woke up because I was hungry I then made my way into the kitchen because I was afraid Of asking Sasuke because I didn't know how he would respond I knew I couldn't keep the baby here with Sasuke because I couldn't bring him into this terrible lifestyle that I'm living I also thought of a name I liked I really liked Boruto because it's like my name but with a b but one time Sasuke thought his name should be menma but I rejected him because I thought it was to scary for a child's name
Naruto I had made myself some ramen and I got a cup of water as my drink I then put the ramen in my mouth and the next thing I know it was all gone I then washed the bowl and cup and made my way over to the TV also did I mention that after Sasuke broke the TV he got another one because I was always nagging about how boring it was
Naruto pov I just realized what sakura would think after I convinced Sasuke to sneak Boruto into the leaf and then leave him at granny tsunades hokage estate I wondered would sakura think I cheated on her with some girl
Naruto pov I seen Sasuke walk in and go straight to bed he didn't even look at me or call me a fat ass he just went straight to our room and went straight to sleep I then continued to watch the news I like looking at the news because it's the only thing that's real on the TV
News Breaking news the girl who was accused for murdering Naruto uzamaki has now fallen from a roof people say that she slipped and fell off but others say that she jumped off in order to redeem herself for Naruto's death but others say that if committed suicide that it was because the hidden leaf let's ask people what they think about this dead girl
Random guy being interviewed I knew sakura from Shinobi school I also seen her a lot at the ramen stores in my opinion I think that she didn't deserve to loose her life
Random girl being interviewed In my opinion that whore deserved to die because I caught my boyfriend starring at her she also killed that one hottie that was named Naruto and she also liked one of my crushes which was Sasuke Uchiha she was a freak and a flat chested bimbo and a dumb murder!
Naruto pov I couldn't believe my eyes when they said she died I then turned into a angry expression because Sasuke was the only one who knew sakura and could have killed her by pushing her off the balcony I then got up and stomped my way to his room when I got in there he was looking at the door so I knew he had heard me he then said "wow Naruto you gotten so fat I can hear your footsteps" he snarled I then dragged him out of the bed and grabbed him by the wrists and made him walk into the living room I showed him the news and sakura face on every news channel but one he then said "what does the pink blossom haired bitch have to do with me"
Naruto pov I then asked sasuke if he did it he replied with "no I wouldn't ever put my hands on that harlot she opens her legs to every guy I wouldn't even dream about touching that harlot" I then shouted at Sasuke and said your a Playboy so what's the difference between a harlot and a Playboy he then replied with "I didn't do anything to her and look it even says she died on July 21st I then dropped to the floor while my hands covered my face while crying he then said if we're done I'm leaving
Harlot definition:a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships. Sasuke bedroom
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