Naruto pov:I woke up at 6:00 I knew sasuke was still asleep because he usually comes and takes me upstairs around 8:30 I knew this would. Be the perfect chance for me to escape I had seen sasuke once get tools ontop of the shelf before so I went over there and grabbed it quietly and got a chair and walked over to
the window 🪟 it was a small window but I was able to fit in it I was climbing out but then somebody grabbed my legs I had seen it was sasuke I then started kicking he then let go I got out but then I seen sasuke
with pure glowing red eyes in the dark I then ran awaySasuke:I was dreaming of me becoming a God and killing the weak but then I heard footsteps it was coming from downstairs I had knew if was naruto when I got down there I had seen his legs sticking out of the window so I grabbed them he then started kicking me and his leg ended up in my stomach I was mad I then seen him look back so I directly looked him in thee eyes I was furious I would show him no mercy
Naruto pov: i ran like I never ran before I actually was happy for once because I knew I could go back to sakura and throw sasuke in jail for kidnapping me I then heard footsteps behind me and they were heavy like they were stomping and running at the same time I ran for dear life because I knew it was sasuke and he sounded pissed I then stopped because I was out of breath I then seen a portal potty so I ran inside to hide and then I saw sasuke I saw his face and I wish I never did because he had a smile so terrifying and his eyes I just couldn't explain it
Naruto pov; I had seen him run past I then let a sigh out of relief and then I saw a sword 2 inches away from my neck he then kept stabbing the portal potty I screamed in terror when he finally cut me on the arm and I cried yelled stop then the portal potty door busted open I then seen sasuke swing his fist at me I could have dodged but it was to cramped he then kept punching me until I was nothing but blood and bruises and then he said you little fucker you thought you could outsmart me I had hoped you learned from the other time you pulled a stunt like this
He then leaned closely to my ear while I was crying he then whispered as long as I exist in this world your never escaping he then grabbed me and put me over his back and I kicked and screamed for help but that just made him more mad he slammed me on the ground and started punching me and screaming at me this is your fault

SASUNARU:leave me alone
Horrornaruto is a 15 year old boy who is a strong ninja he's funny and has lots of friends and people who look up to him but there's one person that doesn't and that one person is sasuke uchiha the rogue ninja himself naruto is devastated when his friend...