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Naruto pov:sasuke had left the room and I was wondering where he had went then as soon I was thinking of sleeping because it's the only thing I could do other than give sasuke Chakra sausked had popped up he said he needed more Chakra and ever since the incident when I tried to run away he put chains on me so I could never leave to be honest I don't think he even considers me human he dragged me upstairs and outside like usual he then demanded Chakra and then I gave it to him I felt so weak I couldn't even fight back and your wondering why I didn't I know your all saying that naruto you need to fight back your stronger than him but the truth is i can't and the reason I can't isn't out-of fear it's because as long as I have these chains on I'm no match to him and even if I tried hand to hand combat I would loose because sasukes physical strength is say stronger than mines and I know all my friends would say run away if you can't win the fight but the truth is that I can't he haves me locked up where only God knows where I don't have any idea where I am so it's no good if I ran away to be honest I don't think I'm human anymore I fell like I'm the ninetails locked up in a cage

Naruto's pov: it was the next day and it was my least favorite day Friday I hated Friday out of all the days in the week because it was the day when sasuke sucked the life out of me and I don't mean it that way this was the day when he took so much Chakra from me I could barely breath but instead of dragging me upstairs for my Chakra sasuke said we were doing something different then he said this was the anversery of when the uchiha clan was slaughtered he then gave me clean clothes of course it was my regular black and orange jumpsuit oh God how I missed this ever since I came here I was stuck in my dirty black and orange jumpsuit I then asked him why he cleaned it but ofcourse he ignored me then he waved justu signs and we were at a Ramen restaurant he said to follow him in I was almost going to cry it had been so long since I ate Ramen all sasuke fed me was upon bread and water I was so happy but then I remembered it was sasuke then my smile turned into a frown then we sat down sasuke said he would pay obviously I wasn't dumb I didn't  have any money on me because my money was in my apartment I just ignored him i wasn't going to him ruin this for me

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