"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑.."

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Wilbur was staring over a cliff.
The same thoughts going through his head all along the lines of


After a few minutes of staring off the cliff Wilbur decided to go to his make shift Cabin in the woods (It's an au I have, shut it.)

When Wilbur arrived home he heard something rummage through his house and he got a cold feeling down his spine

He brushed it off as the wind and went to go lay down

When Wilbur was laying in his bed he saw a figure at the door

"You.." this figure hiccuped "promised you'd visit.."

"Awh, sorry princess I was Busy" The brit lied.

"What happend to you wil.." the smaller whined a bit

Wilbur softened realizing Glatt was crying a bit

"Love.." The taller began

One of Schlatts ears perked up

"Come here please?"

Glatt whimpered but moved closer to the taller Brunette

When Glatt was infront of Him Wilbur could see more of him, he was holding a small Rammy plush inside the curl of his horn and that he was Holding an Alcohol bottle that was nearly empty

"I'm sorry, love." Wilbur said extending his arms for a hug waiting for the other to accept it

Glatt took the others embrace and pushed them both down on the bed so they could cuddle

Glatt still wondering what was up with Wilbur Asked agian


"Yes princess?"

Glatt sighed "Why did you change so much Wilbur?"

"Sorry love,, just being Revived has brought so much stress upon me.. just look at my hair!" Wilbur held up the white streak trying to make a joke to make the moment less tense

Wilbur just silently chuckled to himself before sighing and playing with the others hair

Schlatt slowly snuggled into Wilbur melting into the others warmth

Soon Glatt fell asleep

Wilburs hand went from messing with the others hair to Glatts snowy white ears. Stopping himself before touching one

He's sleeping.. he wouldn't mind. Right?

Wilbur Slowly put his hand on Glatts ear slowly stroking it not to wake the other

Glatt began to squirm in his sleep

Wilbur honestly didn't want to stop petting schlatt. His ears are the softest

"Mph.. fuck wil..~" Glatt groaned and slowly woke up

Wilbur went Red when the ghost made eye contact with him

"Wil- burr~ stopp.." Schlatt groaned once agian

Wilbur realized he was still stroking the others ear and quickly stopped

Glatt blushed just realizing what happend. Covered his eyes in embarrassment and quickly disappeared

"Sorry Glatt" Wilbur chuckled

"I know your still here Glatt. I'm not going to cuddle with you if you don't show yourself"

Schlatt was already sitting on the bed side before Wilbur could finish the sentence

Wilbur sat next to the other and hugged him

Glatt once agian melted into the embrace allowing the other to move them on the bed to cuddle

Glatt was laying on top of Wilbur with him still playing with the ghosts hair

"I'm going to find I way to revived you love. I promise."

Glatt mumbled something Wilbur didn't quite understand before falling asleep on the other once agian.


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