Ch. 15 BBH Route pt 1

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TW: Gore and not knowing how to properly treat wounds mentioned, therefore info on how it was treated is probably incorrect.

I don't have time to think

Although he felt a tug towards the left, he decided to ignore his instincts and go right, where he hoped Bad was home.

It took him nearly 2 seconds to arrive smack into the door of the mansion as in his panic to get there fast, he'd mistakenly teleported. He wasn't complaining; well, at least not until he ran straight into the front door of the mansion. Dream tumbled back, his bottom hitting the hard dirt as he let out a yelp of surprise. He could hear someone from inside the home yell out but he didn't comprehend what they said, or who said it for that matter.

A few moments later he was standing back on his feet, teetering around trying to gather his thinning patience. Having time to think, he knew it was unlikely Tommy was truly about to die, but then again, SGUgZGlkbid0IGFjdHVhbGx5IHRoaW5rIGhpcyBicm90aGVyIHdhcyBkZWFkLCBkZXNwaXRlIHRoZSBibG9vZC4= -then again, he had been wrong before. Finally, the door opened slightly to reveal a rather tall demon, his expression was one of confusion. "Hello? Anyone there?" Bad spoke questioningly as the looked left to right, a half eaten muffin sat in his other hand. "Uhmm Mr. Bad? I-I need some help please." Dream said as calmly as he could, which wasn't very calm. His voice came out more of a meek whimper as a consequence, though Dream didn't mind as he'd found that being nice and respectful to adults made them more likely to comply.

"Oh Dream! I could barely see you, Muffin!" Bad gave him a sugary sweet smile as he opened the door all the way. The two hadn't interacted nearly as much as others, but Dream liked to think of him as family. He didn't dwell on why. "Sorry, I-"
"There's no need to apologize Dream," Bad interrupted. "You can't help going invisible when you're nervous. Speaking of, why are you so nervous?" He gently took the younger ghost's hand and pulled him to the kitchen where he had been making some fresh muffins. "Here, let me grab you one to help you calm down and then we can talk, okay?" Although Dream didn't need to eat, he found that doing so comforted him a bit. Sapnap supposed it was a distraction. George thought it was more like a coping mechanism. Dream figured it was because he didn't get to eat much as a kid. Maybe it was the same way in the death box?

Bad put a muffin on a wooden plate and placed it in front of Dream. "Now take your time and explain what's wrong," he said, taking a seat in front of the ghost. Dream wasn't willing to waste time however, so he shot up from his seat and started to explain. "I need supplies! I- he is hurt and I gotta take care of him. But I can't without bandages. So, umm, I came to ask you if you had some please."

Dream swore he'd never seen someone do a 180 so quickly in his afterlife. Bad's face went from a gentle, carefree smile to one of alarmed and worried. His normally shadow black face paled to a dark grey, unintentionally worrying Dream even more.

"Who is hurt Dream? What happened?" This time, Bad was careful not to interrupt. Although Dream worried about how much time was being wasted, he decided to trust Bad and tell him the truth.

"Tommy- he- I went over to his house to apologize to him for the things I did but-but-but something was wrong. He- he looked pale and dirty and his house was messy and he looked super sad and I thought I could help but then when I helped and apologized he passed out and I just though he was tired but then I opened his hand and a rock was there but it was- like- fused with his hand! I don't know if he's dying but he looked like it so I need help, please Mr. Bad!" Dream shouted, not stopping to simulate a breath. The more he talked, the more invisible he became, but Bad was barely paying attention at that point. He was far too busy flipping though chests and digging for items.

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