Deep blue eyes

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You walk upstairs to your bedroom and flop onto your bed and stare at the rainy morning sky thinking about Hopper and how hot and sweet he is he's like a huge teddy bear on the inside and he's deep ocean blue eyes the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen you keep thinking about that kiss in his car his hands on your waist rocking you back and forth him letting grunts every time you rocked and his sexy beard tickling you you shut your eyes just dreaming about that moment and then you open your eyes and it's already 3pm.

Oh my god how did I just sleep 8 fucking hours probably cause I'm stressed out you hear a light knock on your door "sweetie?" your mom whispers "oh hi mom" "I checked on you a few times and you were passed out are you alright sweetheart" "yeah mom I'm fine um just tired from work I guess" "all right hun" all of sudden your phone rings "hello?" "Hi y/n!" "It's El" Oh son of a bitch "h-hey El what's up" "you wanna spend the night tonight Hopper said it's okay" Does Hopper want me there with him no I don't even know if he doesn't think that was a mistake or not even though it seemed like he didn't think that I have no idea "y/n?" "Oh yeah sorry yeah that sounds fun I'll ask my mom" " "okay cool so when do you want to come over?" "Uh how's 7" "good I'll see you at 7" "okay El bye" "bye" "Um mom?" "Yeah?" "Can I spend the night at El's again?" "Oh yeah honey of course so I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yep can you please give me a ride at 7?" "Yeah hun, I'm gonna go take a lil nap okay sweetheart I'll be up before 7" "okay ma love you" "love you too"

^Time skip 6pm^

Your laying in bed listening to your favorite tape on your walkman, The Dreaming-Suspended In Gaffa
Then you hear your mom's muffled voice you take of your headphones "what mom?" You yell out "dinner's ready!" "Okay!" You go downstairs and sit at the table and start to you eat your favorite meal spaghetti "You have your bag ready hun" "yeah mom I'm ready to go I was just there" you chuckle "oh yeah that's right" "dad's working late?" "Yeah..but he'll be off tomorrow" "okay, good" You two finish eating and you leave the house on your drive to Hopper's you just cant stop thinking about Hopper and how fucking handsome he is and wanting to kiss him right when you arrive but you can't because you have to be with El and she can never find out
You arrive at El's "okay hun I'll see you tomorrow night love ya" "bye mom love you too" you knock on the cabin door and Hopper's tall figure appears "y/n.." he clears his throat "El's in her room" he says in the grouchiest tone he's ever spoken to you in and he walks to his recliner wow I mean I knew he couldn't you know be his usual self to me but it still made me sad "oh um okay" As you walk to El's room you can feel Hop's eyes watching you like a hawk scanning your body bottom
   You knock on El's door before you could even say her name she swings open the door, yanks you inside,and slams the door Hopper leans back in his recliner concerned "JESUS EL WHAT THE HELL?!" "I know sorry" she laughed "What's up?!" You say in a joking tone you two sit on her bed  "okay so this may not seem like a big deal but it kinda is so..I think hopper's in love" She says with a cheeky grin WHAT THE IS HE IN LOVE WITH ME NO NO NO THATS NO WAY NO WAY HOLY SHIT  "uhhh what love?!"  "YEP!" "I just don't know who it is though.." Fuck fuck fuck "hmm" you say trying to avoid this topic..because you don't really want to find anything out
        Time skip -you and El are going to bed-

El starts to drift asleep and you lay on the floor crap she doesn't have extra blankets I'll look around in the living room you walk out into the living room and see Hopper and his opened up button up with his hot chest hair out you trail your eyes up his neck to see his deep blue eyes staring right at you the tv reflecting on them making them shine "Um hi uh do you have any extra blankets" He smirks at you and gets up then suddenly grabs your pulling close as possible to him you look up at him and kiss him he kisses back rough but gentle his tongue playing with yours he picks you up and carries you to his bedroom

Woahh we're picking up the pace sorry this chapter was late I had to make some corrections in the last chapters it doesn't change the story at all so you don't need to go back if you don't want to I hope you guys liked this chapter please comment on here on what you'd want me to add I love you all happy readings<3

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