Yandere four x "sadist" reader

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[I hope yall know I'm taking the piss with this]
Four: *he watches you from afar, your playing with your friends but you push them and win the game,you run off into the forest* You're Mine all mine.
Y/n: *punches four* stop following me creep I have seen you so many times JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!
Four: *he laughed* hahaha! What are you gonna do? Kill me?
Y/n: umm yeah I will kill you!
Four: Alright then. *he grabs you by the neck and begins to choke you slowly*
Y/n:*choking sounds, starts to kick four to get him to let you go*
Four: thats not very nice. Let me kiss you *let's go of you*
Four: grabs you and kisses you anyway
Y/n: *pulls out a pocket knife and stabs four*
*four notices and smirks*
Y/n: just leave me alone!
Four: why would I do that when I'm having fun?
Y/n: because I'm the one with the knife!
Four: *stops laughing* so..you're gonna try and hurt me?
Y/n: yes
*you swing your knife at four*
*you miss*
*you swing a punch at him and it hits him making him all back*
Four: are you done yet?
Y/n: NO, not until you die
Four: hahahah! I guess that means yes! *he punches you square in the face*
Y/n: AH! *your nose starts bleeding*
Four:*four stops punching* do you feel better now?
*four laughs*
Y/n: I'm serious go die
Four: I don't think so *four puts his hand over you mouth and pulls you closer to him*
*y/n try's to scream*
Four: stop fighting me~ *four kisses you softly*
Y/n: why are you letting me get this close to you and why kiss me!
Four: because I love you!
Y/n: no you don't lair! No one likes me or even loves me!
Four: but you deserve it. After all, you're a sadist who enjoys hurting people!
Y/n: I don't deserve love I'm a horrible person! Same with you!
Four: don't worry, you won't have to suffer anymore!
*four pulls out his knife from his pocket*
Y/n: what..are you gonna do?
Four: you know exactly what I'm doing..
Y/n: you're gonna kill me?
Four: yes.* he approaches you*
Y/n: STAY BACK* you swing your knife at four and runs away *
*four picks up your knife and follows you*
Four: oh dear did you forget something?
Y/n: huh?
Four: well then you seem to be too stupid to remember,how about this.*he throws the knife at you ,digging into your leg*
*you try to pull it out but four comes up to you and rips out the knife and stabs you again but in the other leg, you scream louder, four keeps stabbing you over and over until you die*
Four: I love you
No happy endings
Also I'm trying a new style of writing :p

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