Chapter 2:Goodbyes

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"Good day, Jean. I'm sorry you have to be here today."

She could see he was delighted by the small gift.

"It's not a problem, Madame. I enjoy the quiet for a change after all that ruckus we always get this time of year. It's not that bad. There's no one here but me and the Opera ghost", he laughed.

"You don't believe all that nonsense, do you? This opera is worse than a sewing circle."

"No Madame, I am a man of science and skepticism", he winked at her playfully.

"Good. I'll just take care of my business and leave."

"Go ahead, Madame."

She went up to her room and locked the door, taking off her gloves and hat.

"Erik, are you there?" she said to the empty room.

No one answered.

"I just came by to give you something. I'll leave it here on my table, but I can't stay here long or someone might come looking for me."

No one answered.

She walked up to the tiny table in the corner of the room, taking out a small package and letting it down with care.

"Here it is. Merry Christmas, Erik. These cookies are a present from me. Please stop stealing sweets from the manager's office. I'm not angry, so you can come out."

No one answered.

"Alright. I'll see you soon. Goodbye."

She stopped before unlocking the door to take a scarf out of her purse and wrap it around her neck. She'd never been caught in a lie, and she had no intention to start now.

As she left, a very thin figure emerged silently from the shadows and grabbed the small package, disappearing swiftly into the dark again.

She left the same way, nodding to the receptionist.

"Merry Christmas, Jean."

"Merry Christmas, Madame. Did you see the Opera Ghost?" he asked playfully.

"Not today. I suppose he wasn't in the mood for talking."

She stepped back into the cold snowy streets, shuddering. Meg was waiting for her back home. She picked up her pace. One cannot leave a child unattended for too long.

Several hundred kilometers to the east, Alina woke up with a mixture of dread and excitement.

What seemed to her like a horde of relatives arrived last night, and today she had to go and greet them all with her best dress and her best pleased-to-meet-you smile. It better be the best one. She was determined this year that she wouldn't tick anyone off, or let anyone tick her off. She wanted a peaceful family Christmas, and she was determined her foul mouth wouldn't get her in trouble this time.

She got dressed a little too slowly for the sake of prolonging the blessed peace and jumped a little when her sister entered the room, already dressed and proper.

"Alina, there you are! Come down already, everyone's here."

"Oh no." Not everyone at the same time. That was so much social interaction and etiquette all at once that she might faint. Or at least pretend to faint, if only to see mama's face.

"Well, you could have gotten up earlier."

Amelija was right, of course.

"Please refrain from sassing our elders while we're down there. Mama and Tata are doing their best, but you know how they get when they're pressed from all sides like this."

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