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"DAD, WHO THE HELL ARE THESE ASSHOLE?" a voice rings loud and clear. But it was not just a voice, it was a voice that belongs someone they've known but it's long gone. It was impossible for someone to comeback alive when they died for nearly fourteen years, right?

"Shit." The six umbrella siblings muttered in unison. Celestine stared at him, longer than she wanted. The siblings couldn't process properly what was happening infront of them until they come to their senses and realized that it was Ben they're looking at.

Only for Celestine to began to realise that it wasn't him.

This Ben they're facing wasn't their Ben, wasn't her Ben. He may be Ben, but it's not him. He may look like him, but it's not him. He's Ben but not Ben.

Klaus' eyes widened as he gave a little smile, happy that he once again, finally saw his dead-brother, "Ben."

"Is that really you?" Luther asked, at the same time in shock, tilting his head a little. Ben merely narrowed his eyes.

Diego, who hasn't realised their situation yet at the moment or he just don't care, shouted a retort much to Celestine dismay, "And who are those weirdos on the balcony?!" He shouted, emphasizing the 'weirdos' as he's pertaining to the five people with a floating and glowing cube on the balcony.

"You don't have to call them a weirdos, Diego." Celestine sighed, trying to calm her friend – brother. You see, Celestine wasn't originally an Umbrella, she just became one when Reginald died in their timeline and she got stucked with the Umbrella.

They don't really mind though, it's just that they accidentally called her 'sis' and that goes on 'til now. Diego apologize, not wanting to upset Celestine as she gets scary when she's upset or even mad.

"They are the Sparrows." Reginald clarified, and proudly said "My children."

Celestine narrowed her eyes, confused at Reginald. He's not even proud with the Umbrella in their timeline, but he's proud of the Sparrows? What did they accomplished? What did they said or did to convinced this heartless old-man? "I'm sorry, what? I think I heard you wrong, what do you mean your children?

"Celestine's right. What do you mean your children? That's not possible, old-man." Five's voice wavered. Stepping a little closer to Reginald.

"Of course it is!" He still answered like a proud, Dad. "I think I'd know, wouldn't I?"

Klaus interjected happily, pointing at Ben. "Everyone else can see Ben this time, right?" Klaus smiled, partly looking at me while his finger still pointing at Ben, "This isn't his spirit or anything? He's alive?"

Ben smirked, "Cute hat, Sundance." He replied, pertaining to Klaus' black hat. Celestine couldn't help but stare at him, she knows that staring is rude but she still do it anyways.

She scanned his face, there's a visible scar in it. His hair that changes from what he usually styled his hair. Once again, Reginald interrupted her from checking out new Ben.

"They call themselves the 'Umbrella Academy'." Reginald spoke, clearly speaking to the Sparrows, "A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the Fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas." He explained, "Be warned, they claimed to be my spawn."

Great. I should be out of here but I can't leave them alone.

Celestine silently groaned as she walks near the couch and throw herself in there, making the Umbrella and Sparrow sent her a 'really?' look. Nonetheless, she doesn't give a fuck, she's tired and she badly need a rest.

"Claim?" Allison asked once they finally get over with Celestine. "Five, what the hell is going on?

"I don't know yet, but it's quite concerning." Five remarked, shifting slightly.

"Maybe we finally saved the world in 1963, but we miscalculated our time-traveling again. I don't really know what's happening either, but we should get out of here, and return to our original timeline." Celestine answered.

In Celestine's case, it feels like someone's banging inside her head. She wanted to scream due to the minor headache she was having, it was minor but she couldn't handle it now. It seems like any moment, she would passed out.

"Is he. . . telling the truth?" The man who is next to Ben spoke. He must be the supposed leader or number one of the Sparrow.

Vanya cleared her throat, about to clarify something. "Not the part about us being perfidious—"

"No. we're amateur-fidious at best." Klaus interrupted her, but she paid no mind as she chose to continue what she was saying before she was interrupted. "—But we are his children and this is our house."

Luther nodded his head with a stuttering 'yeah' and "We grew up here." A member of Sparrow mocked him and the other snickered much to Celestine's dismay so she shut the one who mocked Luther using her abilities. The Sparrow didn't notice the sudden silent of their sibling til one of their sister spoke, "I kind of think we would have noticed you."

Luther, who found her attractive, send her a weak smile. "Hi, I'm Luther."

Celestine was resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she's not a fan of witnessing one of friend-sibling's love story. She fake gag and Ben noticed those little action of her, and tried his very best to hide his laughter. "Are you okay?" Five asked her, concerned were evident in his face, which only she replied with a nod of her head.

Allison stepped forward, about to kick out the Sparrows in their house. "Okay, none of you belong here."

"Oh! I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out." Another girl with a sunglasses from the Sparrow said which earn a laugh with the others. Note the sarcasm in her voice. The floating cube gave their remarks as well.

Celestine wanted nothing but to wipe off Ben's smirk on his face. "You slay me Chris." Ben said in between his short laugh.

"I also think that's a good idea, Ms. Sunglasses. I've already done the packing, you can take your bags and leave." Celestine point at the door of their house, waiting for them to take their bags to leave. If looks could kill, she'd be sixth feet underground with Ben and Reginald in their original timeline.

Grace then entered the room, holding a tray of newly fresh-baked of cookies. "I wasn't expecting company. This was the best I could do on short," Grace stopped when her voice change to a robotic "short" then to a more sinister robotic voice "short notice."

Grace tried to smile as if she didn't just glitch a moment ago. Diego smiled and face her, softly calling her, "Mom."

"Mom? She's a robot, you perv." Celestine rolled her eyes at the black-haired Sparrow girl when she called out Diego. Of course, there's no way Diego would let someone to disrespect or insult his mom so he defended her. "It's not a robot."

"Hey, don't you call him that." Luther added defensively.

"Or what?" Ben challenged. Their voices started to overlap with each other and Celestine watches Grace as she get the Sparrows belongings, their bags, and bring them back to their  respective rooms.

"You think I'm afraid?"

"Luther, guys, chill!" Vanya tried to reslove the situation, the same way the Sparrows' number one tried to do so with their Ben. "Stand down, Ben."

While they're trying to reslove the situation, the girl who called out Diego spat on the same boy's face. "I don't know what circus you escaped from." Their number one began, and Celestine almost lost control of her composure when he said those words at them. "Or how you got passed our security, but we're done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house."

"And if we don't?" Allison challenged.

"Then we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way." Diego rubbed his face, trying to remove the black liquid on his face, hyperventilating as he also started sweating profusely.

Luther stepped forward. "Agreed"

He stood defensively, hands at ready and ready to fight. Ben cracked his neck, the said that he was also getting ready. Five, and Klaus clenched his hands into a tight fist.

Everyone was about to start fighting when their number one suddenly started dancing and one of Celestine's favorite music 'Footloose by Kenny Loggins' played out of nowhere.

The Umbrella Academy stared at them dumbfounded, but Luther also started to dance. "Get him Luther!" Klaus cheered.

"What are you doing?" Diego asked which Luther only answered him of "Defending our honor bro."

Sooner, the Sparrow joined with their number one into dancing. The Umbrella also did the same, "Oh shit, we're really good at this." Celestine kept on dancing, and she brushed her shoulder with Ben when they tiptoes-dance forward exchanging position with the Sparrow.

Everything was happening so fast that Celestine found herself partying with Sparrow. She's dancing with Ben, then with Klaus, then Diego and their mom, Luther and the blonde barbie of the Sparrows.

"Hey! Diego, are you fine? Hello? Earth to Diego?" Diego came back to his senses after Celestine called him out multiple times. He's sweating and Celestine tried to check him out if he has a fever or what, fortunately, he has none.

"I don't know what circus you escaped from." Their number one began, and Celestine almost lost control of her composure when he said those words at them. "Or how you got passed our security, but we're done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house."

"And if we don't?" Allison challenged.

"Then we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way."

"Look, we just fought a literal army." Vanya tried to reason, in an attempt to try to stop what was about to begin. "Okay? This doesn't need to get ugly. Let's all just calm down, and let's talk."

On the other hand, Klaus was busy catching Ben's attention. "Psst." Klaus whispered-called to him. "Ben-er-ino. You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except that haircut."

"What the hell did you just say?"

"Come on, come on." Klaus stepped forward and waved his hand. "Stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants." Klaus stopped just infront of him, but there's still a space in between them. "Oh wow, nice scar. Muy macho."

"Shut your mouth." Ben warned in between his gritted teeth. Threatening Klaus, but to no avail, he wasn't even affected with his threat. "You shut your mouth and just hug your brother." Klaus began, but Ben interrupted him with a punch that sent him flying back but before he tumbled over a table, Celestine caught him just in time with her ability and help him stand properly.

"Hey! What the hell? You didn't have to do that!" Luther yelled.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I did!" Ben stated as a matter of fact. The Sparrow who mocked Luther sided with him as Celestine heard him say "Yeah, he did that."

Their voices started overlapping again, until their number one shoved Luther that sent him flying backwards too. Celestine did the same with Luther as she did with Klaus before he stumbled. "Bad touch, Luther. Bad touch." Klaus said.

Celestine noticed that Reginald left quietly in which she didn't care, but when she turned to look at the sparrow again, she found them already fighting and having each other's throats with the Umbrella. She was about to help but she was sent flying to their wall that hurt her back due to Ben's attack with his tentacles.

He was about to throw her again somewhere but he came face-to-face with Five. He wrapped his tentacles around Five but he easily found a way out of it. "You're alive. That's. . great." He stopped and tried to formed a word as he's almost out of breathe due to Ben's tentacles gripping him tightly. "Or possibly horrible! I'm not really sure yet."

"That's kind of a weird smack talk." Ben replied.

"It's more of an existential problem Ben" Five replied as he avoid Ben's tentacle flying towards him. Five's looking for Celestine in an attempt to bring her out of this house but she's out of nowhere, nobody knows where she is but Five hoped that she's fine on her own.

"You know, even though you're a total asshole now." Five spatial jumped to Ben's back and tapped his shoulder. "It's nice seeing you again, really." He said as he punched him and get himself out there to help the others.

Diego busied himself with the floating cube. It all started with Diego defending his hair style, now, you can see him on top of the floating cube while talking to it "Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy!" The cube float himself along with Diego repeatedly punching the cube.

The cube started to spin around himself, resulting with a dizzy Diego as he's still riding the cube when he spun himself.

The Umbrellas were pretty beaten up by the Sparrow, Luther sparing with Sparrow's number one, Diego with the cube, Allison being chased away with a crow, Klaus being gripped with Ben's tentacles as he likes to called 'hug', Five sparing with a black-haired woman upstairs, and Vanya being lifted with their gravity barbie.

Umbrella can easily win a fight with them but they're exhausted after a long fight with the army at the commission an hour ago.

Celestine were still nowhere to be found.

"Alright that's enough." A stern voice called out to them. It belongs to Celestine, and it's a warning for them. She had enough of the Sparrows beating her siblings, and it was time to put a stop of this.

Even after the attempt to stop them, they didn't listen. The fight still continued and that irritates her. "I SAID, THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Her screams were followed by her dragging her siblings asses beside her using her abilities. She glared at the Sparrows in which almost sent shiver down to their spine as they heard her sinister voice that almost resembled to a demon, meanwhile her siblings' regretted not listening to her at first.

The sparrow is still not satisfied enough of the fight, which in the black-haired girl throw a spat on one of the umbrella again but Celestine used her power to dispose it. She then throw her back against the wall, the other Sparrow lunges towards her to avenge their sister but Celestine easily defeated them while protecting her siblings.

The Sparrows groaned in pain with the impact of how Celestine easily threw them across the room. Not to mention, Vanya also used her powers to stop them. Their number one stood up and walked upstairs to the balcony, surveying the mess they've caused with a frown visible on his face.

"It's over. Go. Don't come back."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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