Chapter 2

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After the lovely Bella leaves my room with the ring my phone rings in my hand. I would have to start my chase after this stupid phone call. I answer the phone and put it on speaker. It’s Stefan and he’ll keep telling me to come home because Elena is upset that I left. Well I didn’t care if she was upset that I left. She is the reason I’m here in Vegas and now married to a beautiful woman. She may have similar brown hair and eyes to Elena, but I knew that she was a totally different person. I think back to last night and her dancing on the table with her friend. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her and think back to the time I danced on the table at a bar in Richmond. I don’t think about who I was with because then I’ll just break my phone.

“Damon! Are you even listening to me?” Stefan asks.

“What do you want? I’m not coming back right now and I sure as hell don’t feel bad about leaving. You and Elena make me sick and I’m tired of watching it all the time. She is a bitch just like fucking Katherine. I’ve got something more important to do with my life than watch the two of you and save your asses like I do all the time. Sorry,” I say, before I hang up.

I’m not really sorry, but I’m sure Stefan knows that. I never thought I would find someone who was meant for me, but I’m sure Bella is it. She ran off this morning, but that’s because she’s never done anything like this. She informed me of that little fact last night. We were both drunk when I asked her to marry me. I honestly didn’t think she would say yes and suggest we go to a chapel nearby. When we got there I expected her to back out, but she requested the Elvis package and I couldn’t turn her down.

I walk down to the floor she is staying on and I don’t hear anyone in the room she is sharing with her friends. I’m sure she went out to lunch or brunch with her friends. I’m not sure if she’ll tell them about our marriage, but if she doesn’t that’s fine with me. I plan on telling everyone I know when I get home that I am now a married man. Of course, I’m going to have to bring Bella or they won’t believe me. They might also think I compelled her, but she can’t be compelled and I asked her if she was taking vervain. I can tell when a person is lying and she wasn’t when she said she’d never even heard of it.

I walk down to the lobby and compel the desk clerk to tell me if he has seen her and he tells me that she left with a friend talking about a nail appointment and lunch. I nod and thank him before telling him I’d like a bottle of wine and bourbon sent up to my room. He tells me that it’ll cost extra and I tell him to charge it to my room. I then walk to the bar and wait. I know she’ll be back and this is my best chance to see her. I don’t want to bother her while she’s with her friends so I’ll just wait here.

After waiting a couple of hours and compelling the bartender to leave me alone Bella and her friend Angela come walking into the hotel doors. I hear Angela ask if she wants a drink before heading up to the room. When they walk in the bar, Angela is the first to notice me. She steers Bella to a table close to me. Bella hasn't noticed me yet and says she's going up to the bar to make their orders. Bella then asks what Angela would like to drink before heading up to the bar.

"She needs to talk to you," Angela says, coming up to my table.

"What?" I ask, acting like I didn't hear her.

"I said Bella needs to talk to you. I also know you two got married last night," she tells me.

"How do you know we got married? And what does Bella need to talk to me about?" I look at her.

“You’ll find out, but let her see you. Don’t come over to the table and try to make her talk to you. Let her come to you on her own. I’ll give her hints about you being here,” she says, walking away before I can answer.

I watch as she sits at their table and faces me. She is making it to where Bella’s back is to me. She doesn’t know I can hear whatever they talk about. Bella comes back carrying a couple of drinks and sits them down on the table. She looks at Angela and tells Angela that she stole her seat. Angela says that she switched seats and not to bitch about it. Angela then tells her that she got the wrong drink and Bella says that the waiter will be bringing it to the table. Angela looks at me and I hold my drink up in her direction.

“Who are you looking at?” Bella asks her.

“You won’t believe who just sat down two tables behind you,” Angela tells her.

Bella turns around and sees me sitting here. She glares at me and turns back to face Angela. She asks how long I’ve been sitting there and Angela says that I just sat down. Bella looks back at me and stands up before making her way towards my table. I look at Angela while Bella has her back turned on me and Angela gives me a thumbs up. I shake my head because I know that this isn’t going to go like Angela thinks it is.

“What are you doing here?” Bella asks.

“I’m enjoying a drink. Why do you think I’m here?” I look at her.

“Because you told me when I left your room this morning that you like the chase,” she tells me.

“I do like the chase, but I wasn’t aware that you were going to be here this afternoon. Thought you would be out with your friends.” I shake my head.

“Why didn’t you tell me we were married?” She asks as she sits down.

“Thought the ring would be enough,” I tell her.

“What is your last name?” She asks.

“Our last name is Salvatore,” I say. “You are Mrs. Bella Salvatore.”

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