Chapter 3

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After he tells me that I’m Mrs. Bella Salvatore, I want to correct him and tell him my full name. I’m afraid to do that because there is something different about him although I can’t pinpoint it. Something seems a little familiar and I’m not sure what it is. Damon asks if I would like a refill on my drink which I haven’t taken from my mouth. I nod and Angela comes over to tell me that she is heading back to the room. I look at her with panic in my eyes and she tells me that I’ll be fine. She looks over at Damon and asks if he will get me back to our room safely and if I go to his room to let her know. Damon nods and says he’ll let her know and that I’ll be safe with him. Angela shakes her head and mutters something under her breath.

“I can promise you that my wife is safe with me. I wouldn’t harm her and couldn’t if I even tried,” Damon tells Angela.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” Angela says looking at him.

“I did, but don’t worry about it. I know you are a concerned friend and are worried about her. I mean we just met last night and got married while highly intoxicated. I plan on changing on not knowing anything about her and I’m hoping she feels the same way.” He looks at me.

“Ang, I’ll be okay. Head up to the room because God only knows what Jess has planned for us tonight,” I tell her.

“Are you sure?” She looks at me.

“I’m sure. Rest, relax, or whatever. I’ll see you later.” I smile.

She leaves the bar and Damon goes to refill our drinks. When he comes back to the table he tells me he wants to take me out. I look at him and ask what he means because the last time someone took me out it was out of protection. Angela and Jess were there at the time as well and this is starting to feel a little like deja vu. He asks if I would like to go out with him tonight and I ask if it is like a date. He smiles and says we can have our first meal together as husband and wife.

“About that. What are we going to do about that?” I ask. “I mean like you pointed out to Angela we don’t know a damn thing about each other. Other than your name and what you like to drink I don’t know a damn thing about you. Are you even human?”

I look at him in shock because I don’t mean to say the last part. My mind doesn’t know what to do when he’s around. I seem to act like I did with Edward except that he doesn’t seem to sparkle. I want to ask that question next but I keep my mouth shut. Damon looks at me with a smile and at the moment I wish I had Edward’s mind reading. I would love to know what he is thinking about me saying that.

“Am I human? Are you sure you want to know the answer to that? And if you do then we should head to my room to talk in private,” he tells me.

“Are you implying that you’re not human?” I ask.

He downs his drink and tells me to finish my drink. He then fishes his phone out of his pocket and asks me for Angela’s number. I rattle it off before finishing my drink and standing up. I must’ve drank way too fast because when I stand up my head starts spinning. Damon catches me as I sway in my spot and he asks If I’ll be alright to walk. I nod and tell him to keep his arm around me just in case. I don’t want to trip and make a fool of myself in front of him. The only thing I know about him is he has blue eyes, he’s handsome, I can’t keep my mind off him, and his name. I don’t know what he means by ‘are you sure you want to know the answer to that’ and I’m not sure I want to know.

“I’m going to carry you once we get to my floor,” he tells me.

“Who were you on the phone with?” I ask.

“When?” He looks at me.

“This morning,” I say.

“My brother’s girlfriend. You will learn more about all that when we get to my room,” he tells me.

I nod and let him help me into the elevator. As the doors start closing I see Jess walking up to the desk. I groan and Damon looks at me curiously. I tell him my friend is at the desk and will probably be heading up to our room soon which means that I’m going to have to be there. He shakes his head and pulls out his phone. He puts it up to his ear after dialing a number. He smirks at me and I wonder what he is doing.

“Bella is worried about your other friend noticing that she’s not there,” Damon says into his phone.

He nods and says something else. He smiles and says that he’ll keep her in the loop with what we’re doing. He looks at me and tells Angela that he hopes I invite him to whatever Jess has planned for us tonight. I shake my head because I think it’s the bachelorette party tonight. Jess isn’t going to want any guys there unless they’re strippers. I take his phone from him and tell Ang that and Ang tells me to tell him to figure something out. She tells me that she doesn’t think he’ll let me out of his sight tonight especially since we may be around male strippers. I tell her that he wants to take me out and she tells me that she already knows about that. She says that she’ll have my outfit sent to his room when she gets it picked out.

I hand him his phone back after she hangs up and he places it back in his pocket. He then picks me up and walks off the elevator. We get to his door and he unlocks it without dropping me in the process. When we walk into the room I realize that it’s a beautiful room and then I realize it’s not a room, it’s a suite. He sits me down and asks if I want anything to drink. I nod and tell him whatever he has is fine with me. I pull out the ring box and put it on the table. I have every intention of giving it back to him, but I’m not sure how he’s going to feel about it.

“Here you go,” Damon says, handing me a glass of wine.

“Thanks,” I say before taking a sip.

“What’s that?” He asks, looking at the ring box. “Why are you giving the ring back? Does it not fit? Do you not like it?”

“I haven’t tried it on and it’s a beautiful ring, but I don’t think you meant to give it to me.” I look at him.

“I meant to give it to you. You picked it out when they offered us a choice of rings. I had to pick them up this morning. The ring is meant for you,” he tells me.

“But you didn’t mean to marry me,” I say.

“Bella, if I didn’t mean to marry you then we wouldn’t be married. Yes, I know we met last night, but when I saw you I felt a connection to you. I’m sure you’re used to guys trying to get in your pants, but I don’t want just that from you. I want to see where this goes and see if we have the same spark while sober. I want to see if we can fall in love.”

“But…” I look at him.

“We can’t get an annulment for ninety days. So in that ninety days what do you say to being my wife and seeing where this goes. If we don’t want the marriage to continue then we get it annulled,” he tells me.

“What about the living situation? I live in Washington of all places and still go to school there,” I tell him.

“Can you do classes online? Or transfer? I would at least like to gather some of my things from my house in Virginia if at all possible if you want to stay in Washington.” He smiles.

“Does Virginia have a good school for history?” I ask.

“Yes, and I could even hook you up with a personal tutor if you need it,” he tells me.

We talk and I get to know more about him. We have more in common than I thought we would. I find myself opening up more than I ever did with Edward and that scares me because he still hasn’t answered my question on whether or not he’s human.

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