-Chapter 1-

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Jennifer woke up, her memory fuzzy. She could feel the rocky ground rub against her cheeks.She could feel her dress and the holes that seemed to have ripped through the fabric.

Her eyes slowly opened, the darkness of the room letting her eyes adjust and focus. Her headache seemed to get worse as she sat up. Her eyes opened and closed again, this time taking in her surroundings but the darkness around her seemed to be endless.

How long have I been out, she thought as she examined her body. She presumed she had been out for a while due to the state of her hair. Jennifer looked at her surroundings but her eyes couldn't seem to focus in the dark.

Unable to see anything, she focused more on her memory which faded in and out. She remembered a tornado and a dragon and Kansas...

"Kansas!" Jennifer shouted but quickly covered her mouth, she didn't know who could hear her.

Where was Kansas? Was she ok? Jennifer felt her heart palpitate quickly as she tried to catch her breath.

"Stop it. You're just making it worse for you and it's not going to help you find Kansas." She whispered, thinking of her main issues:

Jennifer didn't know where she was and she needed to find Kansas.

Jennifer scrolled through her thoughts and memories trying to make sense of it all. Moments kept popping in and out of her brain like a swarm of bees. She couldn't properly focus on any singular memory until a strange memory Jennifer didn't know she had popped into her mind.

She remembered a fire, the blaze going crazy. Pain in her left arm seared painfully as if something had stabbed her. She looked around her memory but what she saw shook her.

She remembered a man lying on the floor. She felt she was holding something, a knife perhaps, sharp and bloody. Her body shook just thinking of the man. Something about him, the memory, made her have the most awful feeling. Guilt mixed with sadness and anger. Had she killed that man? Was she responsible for the feelings? Or was she a witness? A bystander?

She didn't want to know as she tried to forget about him and instead focus on a different memory. This time the memory of a beautiful girl with long brown hair flooded her mind. Jennifer could remember the way the girl ran towards her, she remembered how she hugged her tightly and cried when she saw Jennifer again.

But then Jennifer remembered what had happened right after that, the painful look in her eyes, the way she shouted and abandoned Jennifer, telling her to leave and never return.

Jennifer couldn't relive the moment any longer, it had hurt her too deep.

No wonder I had hid that memory from myself. I can't bear it any longer. She thought as she tried thinking of something more recent. A memory of her true friends, hopefully they could calm her down.

"Kansas, Byron, Jonah, Ezra and Finnick." Her true friends. People she knew would never leave her. Except they had, they had left her here or hadn't found her.

Maybe they didn't even bother. Jennifer shook herself of any thoughts as she recited the names over and over again,

"Byron, Ezra, Jonah and Finnick..."

Finnick... Something about that name meant something to her, There was something else, something he had told me.

Jennifer's concentration broke when she heard a metallic door open. As it slowly extended into the room, lights flashed on and Jennifer had to blink a few times to adjust. Even with the light from the lamps surrounding the room, she could barely see anything except a figure.

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