-Chapter 2-

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Kansas fell to the ground as she screamed in agony. She twisted and turned but couldn't seem to get away, her body was limp as she tried to drag herself away.

Another blast of dark magic was shot at her, this time hitting her ribs. Kansas screamed as the witch floated in circles around Kansas shouting,

"Now tell me how you opened the dragon egg? Did you use the Magic of the Elders?" The woman's voice sounded as if she was ready to kill Kansas at any point in time.

"I don't know!" Another blast. The pain was unbearable. Kansas tried to think about it all being over but when another wave of magic hit her, all thoughts disappeared and the misery began again.

"Tell me what you know and this will all be over." Kansas couldn't bear to look the woman in the eyes but the witch had other plans. In a swift movement of her wrist, Kansas's face was swerved to face her. The animated smile she had plastered on her purple, scaled face made Kansas's insides burn. Her cat-like eyes met Kansas's as she smiled.

"I know you're hurting." The woman said, walking in circles around Kansas, "And if you cooperate, then all of that pain will be gone." Kansas mustered enough energy to glare at the woman.

"I already told you... I don't know anything." Kansas spit on the ground, a mix of blood and sweat. The woman let out a chuckled breath as she spoke,

"Tell me, do you think you'll ever see your friends again?" This hit Kansas hard. She knew she had been gone for so long, making her wonder if Jonah even remembered her, if Byron thought she was dead. She kept her calm but somehow the woman knew exactly how to hurt Kansas as she said something that made Kansas anger skyrocket.

"If my words won't make an impact, maybe this will. I have someone in my dungeons right now. I don't know if you know them." The woman smirked and said, "Light brown hair, golden brown eyes?"

That could be anyone. Anyone could look like that.

"Not specific enough? Alright, she said she didn't know you but when we mentioned we were... encouraging the truth out of you, she threatened many things if we hurt you. Jennifer I believe it is?" Kansas breath faltered. Jennifer was the last person she remembered from the tornado. She had gone into tornados center after her.

"No, that's not true. You're playing with me!"

"Do you really want to test that? Let's play a game. Every time you lie to me, I hurt her." That's when Kansas couldn't hold it any longer. Her eyes started to glow and her feet left the floor, but Kansas clearly made an impression because the woman backed away in fear.

Unfortunately, Kansas soon returned to the ground and the woman walked closer, careful not to get too close.

"I've only ever seen one other person do that and stop it themselves almost immediately after they entered their (fancy sounding word). They were very, very powerful. Do you know the name Alexander Axel, The Creator and Destroyer?" Kansas nodded as the woman smiled and continued,

"Good. I didn't like him." The woman's smile had completely disappeared from her face, "And you look exactly like him which makes me want to kill you." The woman let go of Kansas and said,

"But boss says he wants you alive so he can kill you himself. So shall we continue with the lies or should we just let you admit that you aren't getting out of this alive so just let go. Shall we try again?" Kansas could feel the pain becoming unbearable until she was sure she would pass out.

"What did he even do to you?" Kansas asked, crying. The witch stopped in her tracks, remembering her past like it was only yesterday.

"He made me like this." Kansas could hear the way she 'this' as if it was a curse to be like that.

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