-Chapter 3-

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Byron threw the rubber ball at the rough wall of the gazebo that stood tall in one of the many gardens in AsDale. He watched as the baby dragon waddled over and picked up the red ball with his teeth, not noticing Jonah walking over to him until Jonah spoke,

"Hey." He said, putting his hands in his pockets. Byron heard Jonah but didn't respond, he couldn't find the courage to. Every time Jonah spoke, Byron was reminded of his sister, who was taken almost a month ago by Dark Mages, along with Jennifer, a new friend of Byron who he had become close with.

The two of them had disappeared in a tornado, which they thought was caused by Kansas but soon after she disappeared, Queen Isabella received a letter from Dark Mages saying,

We have the Savior just like we did last time. You have lost. We have a Sorcerer and we know you hold more. Bring us the rest of the Sorcerers and we won't wreak havoc on your home. You have five weeks to decide, this is plenty of time and we expect that you make the right decision.

Which confirmed that their worst fear had happened, the Savior had been taken by Dark Mages, the worst of the Mages, bent on destroying the world of AverDale. The only Dark Mage Byron knew of that wasn't evil to the core was Finnick, who was a close friend of Kansas. They were supposed to get married until Kansas and Byron ran away from Golds Kingdom looking for Jonah, a young boy Kansas had met previously that day. Byron didn't understand why Kansas needed to find him until he found out Kansas was the Savior, the most powerful being on AverDale whose one purpose is to bring peace to AverDale and some other things Byron didn't pay attention to. Thinking about it now, Byron didn't really understand the purpose of having a Savior if the Elders can project themselves onto AverDae but he didn't care.

Ever since they got the letter, Byron didn't think of anything but his sister. He already loathed the Dark Mages but this made his anger skyrocket. He didn't just hate them, now he wanted to see every one of them lying dead on the ground.

"Byron..." Jonah began as Byron stood up and walked to the baby dragons hide out, grabbing the red ball. He sat back down, threw it and the baby dragon chased after it once again.

"Are you-"


"No, what?" Byron made eye contact with Jonah before replying,

"No, I'm not going into the war room for a meeting. Those elves are the reason Kansas got taken."

"We don't know that the elves were the reason she was taken!" Byron rolled his eyes as his temper rose,

"You heard the Queen, she knew the barriers around AsDale would be weakened with the spell and she didn't think to tell us before. They are the reason Kansas is in their prison. And I don't want to be near any of those... creatures."

"Good to know." Byron looked from Jonah's horrified eyes and into Lucy's which looked as if she was about to murder someoen. Lucy was the daughter of the Queen of Elves, and the Apathy Sorcerer, which meant she was hot tempered and hated practically everything and everyone. Lucy had a twin brother, the heir to the throne of AsDale, because he was more elf than her, which is what Byron assumed was the reason she hated it when people criticized Elves.

"Sorry." Byron muttered, not really meaning it.

"I'm going to the meeting," Jonah said, surrendering as he said to Lucy under his breath, "If you can convince him to come I'll be forever grateful." As he left the room.

"Come on, Byron." Lucy said, in a nicer tone, "Just come to the meeting." Byron stood up and went to look for the red ball again, pretending he didn't hear what Lucy had said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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