Peanut butter sandwiches

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Third person pov

Everyone hurts in their own way but you have your family to love and support you but it's a bit different with this family.

(Y/n) cried until she fell asleep in Allison protection as her breath slowed and you could hear her soft snores.

"I should take her to bed"said Allison
"Don't worry I got her"replied Diego taking her from Allison
"Aww Diego is a softie"smiled Klaus watching them from the doorway
"Shhh!"they said together glaring at Klaus
"Okay sorry sorry"he said rising his hands

Diego laid (Y/n) on her bed and covered her with a soft blue blanket and looked around room picking up a picture frame from her desktop.It was a picture of her and their father she has a huge smile with a icecream and Reginald stood by her not smiling but you could see he was happy in a way which shocked Diego

"Never knew the old man had a heart"he said putting the frame down glancing at (Y/n) and walking out the room

Time skip:

(Y/n) woke up to the sound of music playing as she stood up and rubbed her eyes yawning still half asleep

Until it was interrupted by the sound of thunder which scared her and she screamed and Vanya came running to quiet her down.

"Shhh it's okay,it's fine"said Vanya in a soft comforting voice
"It's okay come on let's go see what's going on" she took (Y/n) hand and they went outside.

Everyone stood there look at the blue hole in the sky as the wind blows rapidly which almost lifted (Y/n) away but Vanya grabbed a hold of her.

As the siblings continued to yell back and forth over the loud rumbling of the portal then Klaus ran out with a fire extinguisher and threw it towards the portal which made it worst
"What's that gonna do"yelled Allison
"You got a better idea"said Klaus
"Get behind me!"shouted Luther grabbing a hold of Allison hand
"Yeah get behind us!"said Diego shoving (Y/n) behind him
"I vote for running"said Klaus ready to escape
"I see a boy ,look look Diego it's a boy"said (Y/n) pointing towards the portal

Five fell from the portal and land on the floor as the siblings surroundings him
"Does anyone else little number five or is that just me"said Klaus with confusion
"It's the boy from the painting"said (Y/n) looking at Five up and down as he did the same

"Shit"he said finally realising what is going on
"Shit?"said (Y/n) looking at the other siblings
"No no don't say that word (Y/n)" said Vanya picking her and following the other siblings inside

They all sat at the table as Five laid out a board and bread as he made him a sandwich.
"What's the date,the exact date"he asked
"The 24th"
"Of what"he said irritated
"March"she said still shocked
"Good"he replied as the little girl approach him
"Can I have one too please"she asked him smiling
"Sure kid"he said turning back and laying another two slices 

"So are gonna talk about what just happened"said Luther but Five just ignored him and continued the sandwiches
"It's been 17 years"said Luther standing in front of Five
"It's been a lot longer than that"he said and blinked pass him to the cabinet
"I haven't missed that"Luther said a bit irritated

Five took the peanut and marshmallows to continue his and (Y/n) sandwiches
"Where did you go"questioned Diego"The future,it's shit by the way" he answered
"Called it"said Klaus rising his hand
"Shoulda listen to the old man jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice "
He then glanced at (Y/n)
"Who's the kid?"he asked
"Our baby sister"answered Klaus before anyone else and Five just accepted that answer with a shrug
"Wait wait,how did you get back"said Vanya
"In the end to project my conscience forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time"Five said finishing his sandwich
"That makes no sense"said Diego
"Well it would if you were smarter"he said smugly

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