The girl

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Third person pov:

A little girl wearing a cute baby blue dress skipped down a alley
her tiny feet clicking with each
step bouncing with joy carrying
what would be described as a
comic but not just any comic

A Umbrella Academy comic

As she continued on her way not taking notice of her surroundings as she bumped into someone and fell hard to the floor which caused her comic to fly in a different direction.

"Ouchie"she said getting up
from the ground
"Oh sorry about that kid"said
the strange man and reached his hand to help her up as he spotted
her comic and took it reading through the pages

"Hey that's mine!"the girl said
"Relax am just having a look"he said with a laugh.
"I remember this mission,the fucking worst"
"that's not true"
"who made these things?" the man said talking to himself making the girl wonder if he was crazy or maybe on drugs which he was.

"What are doing outside this
late kid" he said
"Am going to the store to get some peanuts butter"she said with a wide a smile
" I think it about time you get home to your mommy ,it's dangerous out here kid "he said handing her the comic .

"What's that on your hand "she said pointing towards his hands
"It's my tattoos kid" he said showing her his hands with one saying Hello and the other Goodbye
"Hello,goodbye?"she reads out loud and giggles
"That's so cool"
"What's your name sweetie"

"Y/n,my name is Y/n"she said sweetly
"Am Klaus"he said with a small smile on his face.
He then catches a glimpse of the drug dealer leaning against the wall and turns back to y/n
"You should get home,see you around kid"he's says running off in opposite direction.

Y/n just turns and continues skipping down the alley holding her comic close as she gazed upon the full moon and stars smiling

Time skip


I walked home with my peanut butter and comic as I read through it getting to my favourite part but stop when I hear a few people coming towards me.I took cover behind a large trashcan as they passed by talking among themselves
"Have you heard Allison Hargreeves has lost custody of her daughter"said the person
"Tragic I loved her in that
one romcom "
"I was told she used her superpowers her own child"replied the other one
walking down the street with his friends laughing

'Allison Hargreeves'
She sounds very familiar wait
she in my comic and in the
picture at home

As I hear them disappear in the distance I came out of my hiding place and looked around nobody in sight
I need to get home before dad gets mad.I started running holding my things tightly I
don't want them to fall

I walked through the big doors and they shut loudly making me jump I didn't expect it to be that hard
"Ahh miss y/n where have you been"
Oh noo busted
"Oooh Pogo I just went to get a few things"
"I see, your father was concerned he does not want you out this late young lady " said Pogo
"Am sorry it won't happen again"
I said looking down I felt guilty I didn't want them to worry about me
"It's fine my girl ,lets get you something to eat shall we"
"Yes please Pogo"

"Mom!"I ran straight to her giving her a hug
"Hello my darling where you been "she said hugging me
back smiling
"I went for a walk am so hungry mom"
"I made something special just for you,come sit and enjoy " she said grabbing a plate of food for me with a glass of orange juice
"Finish up and let's get you ready for bed "said Grace glancing at Pogo as if to say it's almost time
"Yes mom"I said eating of my food

I ran up the stairs towards my room mother following close
as I entered my room and got ready for bed with mom's help and then sat in front of my mirror while she comb through my hair with a hairbrush humming a soft tune.She braided my hair as Pogo entered the room
"Miss y/n your father would like to see you in his office"
"Yes Pogo "I said jumping down my chair and walking towards his office

Third person pov:

Y/n entered her father's office pushing the door open seeing her father at his desk
"You wish to see me father"
"Yes I did my daughter come "
Y/n walk towards him and tried climbing up the chair infront of his desk but failed and fall she got up and tried again but fall once more
"Come here" Reginald said lifting y/n up and setting her on his lap

Reginald has grown very fond of y/n as she reminded him of his late wife he even gave her the name he and his wife plan to give their first daughter.

"Listen carefully y/n I have a very important job for you okay"he said to her
"Yes what is it father"she said with excitement
"You have to keep the family together you hear me your siblings are going to come visit and you must help them save the world and always remember what I have told okay can you that for me"
"Yes I'll do my best father"she said yawning loudly
"Come on get bed big girl"he said putting her down
"Goodnight father"and with that ran straight to bed.

Goodnight Y/n


A/n:This is one of my first published stories so don't judge my bad grammar let me know if there are any mistakes thanks for reading my story
Xoxo Ava's♡

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