Who Wouldn't Love her?

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Reginald lead young (Y/n) into the house and calling all the remainder of the house members for a meeting which included Luther, Grace and Pogo.

With much confusion as to why he had show up with a little girl and what was the purpose of her being here?

"Everyone this is (Y/n) Abigail Hagreeves I have adopted her and will be staying with us"Sir Reginald addressed them
"But Dad why?"Luther questioned
"(Y/n) possess of special abilities and will be asset for us in the near future"

And for that day on they each grew to love her with all their hearts including 'Her Robot Mom' Grace who tend to her every need.

Present day:

After the funeral everyone distance themselves from each other still in the dark mood they were in when they got there.

Vanya was on her way to leave regretting ever even coming here she knew how her siblings would react but still hope it was different now.
(Y/n) ran down the stairs calling out Vanya's name with a page in her hand and stopped in front of her.

"Vanya,Vanya!!where are you going?"she asked her
"Am leaving now sweetie"Vanya replied lowing to (Y/n) height
"I made this for you because I didn't see any pictures of you on the walls and I think you should have one too"(Y/n) said handing her the page with a smile

"Oh thank you (Y/n)"Vanya said a bit surprised
It was a drawing with who assumed was them holding hands smiling,it was full of colours and a bit messy seeing as she had just finished it a while ago.

Vanya's heart melted at this no one has ever done something so sweet for her, this little girl was the cutest with a big heart and now Vanya made it here duty to protect her.

"Please don't go,I love having you here"(Y/n) said sadly
"Oh sweetie I promise I'll come visit very soon"Vanya said to her

Suddenly (Y/n) jumped into her arms hugging her tightly scared to let go and Vanya hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
A car could be heard from outside and Vanya knew it was her cab.

"Bye Pogo,bye bye Lil Sister"Vanya said and waved out the door
"Come along (Y/n)"Pogo called her but she stood still by the open door looking at the rain outside and the kids across the road jumping and playing around and she wished to join them

"Can I go play outside, please please"she pleaded
"No ,no you'll get sick come spend time with your siblings"
"Okay I will"she replied and ran
Off leaving Pogo and he just nodded his head

Time skip:

(Y/n) sat at her desk holding her baby doll as Grace brushed her hair and she then changed into her PJs and ran to see if her siblings was still here.

She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Klaus sitting with his feet up and holding a electric guitar.

"Hey kid wanna sit with me"he said "Yes please I would like  that"(Y/n) replied to him

As the two sat there in the kitchen (y/n) and Klaus started talking about random things and even sang together as he strummed the guitar

  ~♪Ballroom Blitz~
~♪Ballroom Blitz ~♪
~♪Its it's a Ballroom blitz ~♪

Number Five teleported into the kitchen to find them there fooling around and hid his smile from how cute but stupid there whole ordeal was.He returned to the really reason he was in the kitchen.COFFEE

"Hiii Five "(Y/n) greeted him
"Hey Flower"he replied,the nickname was fitting and he continued his search

"So the old man actually took you out"Klaus asked (Y/n) shocked
"Yes all the time,we went one time to the circus and Daddy let me ride a elephant"she said excitedly recalling that day.

Allison's footsteps could be heard entering the kitchen in a different outfit and Five just keep throwing kitchen utensils around searching still.

"Where's Vanya"she asked
"Oh Vanya left"Klaus answered
"That's unfortunate"Five said referring to the coffee
"Yeah"she sighed thinking his talking about Vanya

"An entire square block 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms but not a single drop of coffee"Five said waving a empty container.

"Dad hated caffeine"replied Allison
"Well he hated children but had plenty of us and took in a another after we left"Klaus chuckled

"Am taking the car"said Five already done with this shit
"Where are you going?"Klaus said jumping up in surprise
"To get a decent cup of coffee"He said harshly

"Do you even know how to drive"questioned Allison
"I know how to do everything"Five replied before blinking away leaving them dumbfounded

Klaus jump up from his seat actually surprised he left
"I feel like we should stop him,but then again I also want to see what happens"he said

They all listened as a the cars engine ignited and it drove off into the night.

Diego entered the kitchen just as Grace called (Y/n) for it was her bedtime and she knew it was time to go

"Goodnight everyone"she said going to hug each of them even Diego who actually hugged her back and she waved before running out and they cooed at how cute she is.

        "Don't you just love her"
sighed Klaus holding his heart
     "Who wouldn't love her?" 


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