Chapter 1: Hurtful Words

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This is a story about one of my favorite cartoon characters in Xiaolin Showdown Jack Spicer and the depression he's been hide I hope you enjoy it.

Trigger warning: depression, and dark thoughts

You have been warned.

[At The Spicer Mansion]

(Jack Spicer POV)

'Do I have to get up,I mean what's even the point of doing anything when I'm just going to get beaten again.'I thought to myself. I got from my bed just to have my Jackbot-13 come up to me. "Morning sir, would you like me to start your bath for you?" JB-13 asked. "Ah actually I'm thinking about eating breakfast before my bat-."I said but was cut off by what sounds like my father.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH HIM." My father yelled angrily. I was shocked by that so I walked up the stairs to see what the fuss was about. I'm fully dressed I slept in my clothes last night so I'm not worried about changing. I leave my evil lar and head to the living room but when I heard my parents talking again.

"Now sweetie, you don't have to yell, what if Jack heard-..?" My mom said but was cut off by my dad. "WHAT? Heard me, do you think I care if that disgrace heard me because I don't. All that brat has been is a burden on our family and you failed to see that." He said which shocked me. 'Did he really just say that, I know mom well defend me. Right?' I thought to myself as continue to listen. "Look I know he's a smart kid but we can't afford for him to be around to ruin The Spicer name and you know I'm right." He said with a serious tone.

The room got quite for awhile until my mother finally spoke up and what she said broke me. "Your right honey, but what can we do he is our son aft-." She said but was cut off again by dad. "DON'T REMIND ME I KNOW THAT WORTHLESS PEACE OF TRASH IS MY SON, I WISH YOU WOULD OF ABORTED HIM THAT WAY I DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT HIM. " He yelled those horrible words. 'Well then if that's how they feel then this is goodbye, I'll have my Jaskbots move my stuff and find a new place to live.' I thought to myself as I walked back to my lab.

'What my dad and ever one doesn't know is that I have already got my business license a year ago if my dream of rule in the world doesn't work I have that to fall back on. Plus the money I've been saving up over the years.' I thought to myself as I walked over to change my clothes. After I got done changing my Shin-Gong-Woo detector goes off. "Great timing, I need a break from the house anyway, JACKBOTS." I yelled as all my Jackbots came towards me. "Yes sir, do you need anything." JB-22 said.

"Yes I need all of you to pack up all my belongings while I go get the next and maybe last Shin-Gong-Woo and after that we're going house shopping." I said as get into my jet. I leave the house and I'm forty minutes away from Chase Young hideout.

[At The Hideout]

I look around but don't see anyone, it was quite for a few minutes before I heard what sounds like Wuya and Chase. "Come on Chase, why do we have to put up with that imbecile anyway. He may have his Jackbots but we have power and my stone soldiers at our command. We don't need that burden on our side." Wuya said with her finger on the stone table. 'That word again 'BURDEN' does everyone think that about me? I'm I that worthless?' I thought to myself as she stopped talking so Chase could speak and what said hurt even more.

"No we don't need him, to be quiet honest I find he's praising of me annoying. Even those ridiculous robots of his are worthless as he is. That burden is better off die then with us." He said with a serious tone in his voice. 'Even he doesn't like me first my parents, then Wuya and now Chase. I guess there right about me, maybe I be better off gone.' I thought to myself again as I put on a fake smile and ask if ready to go.

(Chase Young's POV)

'It's that ratchet Jack Spicer and his big smi- wait a minute that's not his normal smile this one seems forced. Whatever the reason behind this fake smile he has is not important.' I thought to myself as I stair a Jack. He told us the location of the Woo and it take thirty minutes to get there, so with that information we walked to his jet but somethings strange is going on with Jack. He didn't look at me or say a word, oh well he'll probably talk his head off on our way to the Shin-Gong-Woo.

[At The Destination Of The Shin-Gong-Woo]

'Alright something is definitely wrong with Jack he never spoke a word to Woya and me, this imbecile better not be sick or something. ' I thought to myself as I move away from him. "So Wuya what the name of this Woo anyway. " I asked with a serious tone. "It's called The Lins Of True the user of this Shin-Gong-Woo can see the truth that lies within the person they look at. Basically if the person hiding pain, depression, love, hate, or even jealous The Lins Of True can see it." She said with a evil smile.

"That can be to great use to us, do you know where it is located at?" I asked. We look all over but couldn't find it, from the corner of my eye in the distance I see the Shaolin Warriors coming. "Everyone get ready, Spicer where's damn robots of yours?" I asked with frustration in my tone. " I didn't bring them this time and why do you need them, you and Wuya have magic. I'm sure you guy's can handle them." He said which shocked me but I had no time to react to his comment because the Shaolin Warriors are already here.

(Dojo's POV)

I fly down and noticed that there are only three bad guys at the location Wuya, Chase Young, and Jack Spicer. I also noticed that there weren't any Jackbots around so I automatically assumed it was a trap. "Guys be on your toes this could be a trap look around no Jackbots so be careful." I whispered to my friends they nodded and Omi spoke. " Excellent job Dojo, now that we know there plan aiming the bushes we can do the kicking of butts. " He said which confused me until Raimundo correcting him.

"Dojo where's the Woo at so we can get it and head back home? I can see how Wuya and Chase will be tuff, but they also have Jack Spicer on there side what a disappointing joke." Raimundo said as he shakes his head. I was about to laugh at that but Kimiko spoke to. "To be honest I feel bad that they have to deal with that burden every day. Someone as worthless as him shouldn't even be here." She said which to be fair was a bit cold, I mean I don't like Jack either but don't they think there going a bit too far.

I noticed everyone's laughing even Wuya and Chase but I also noticed that Jack is just standing there taking insult after insult. I was about to tell them to stop but they keep going as Clay was next in the line of insults. "Shoot Jack's more cowardly and worthless than my mama's chickens, at least we can get eggs and fry the chicken later. " Clay said as he bends over laughing. I look a my friends with complete shock at what they were saying, I turned to look at Jack and noticed he was walking back to he's jet. "Well it looks like your wish is granted guys. " I said with a disappointed expression as I pointed in Jack's direction.

"He's probably going to send out he's Jackbots, let's get him before he attacks." Omi said as he and the rest of the gang run towards the jet but stopped suddenly when they realized that he wasn't attacking, he was leaving. Chase and Wuya with wide eyes were beyond shocked by this but Chase recovered quickly and with an angry yell he screamed. "SPICER WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THI-?"He yelled but couldn't finish it as Jack flew away into the distance.

"What just happened, I don't understand he's plan one bit." Omi said with a confused expression.

That's the end of Chapter 1, Chapter 2 well be coming soon tell me what you think in the comments section and I'll let you know when the next one is coming.

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