Bitch Bye

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Christina in media


"Nigga if you don't get off of me" I said as Jamal was on top of me. "Nah I'm good" "I can't breath lil boy so get off of me" I said trying to push him off of me.

Jamal is my current boyfriend. We've been going out for a while. I'm only going out with Jamal to get closer to Chris but he don't know that. When he told me he knew a yellow ass nigga named Chris I already knew what the business was.

"Alright now when you aint get enough pussy don't ask why" "Alright I'll get off of you" he said. "Nah nigga its too late" "Man you creep as fuck" he then got up pounting and walked out the room. I chuclked to myself and grabbed my phone. I search for Chris number and called. The phone kept ringing then it went straight to voicemail. I hung up and texted him.

Me- Now nigga I know you see me calling

The bae- Well bitch it looks like I don't wanna talk to you

Me- Boy bye now you know you still love me

The bae- Ha yea I love my girl Jasmine whos having my twins

After he told me he having twins had me going crazy

Me- Bitch you lying you aint having twins

The bae- Thot does it seem like I'm lying now leave me the fuck alone before you get got.

After texting Chris I laid down and thought maybe Chris really moved on. But I aint gon let that stupid ass bitch take what's mine. Ima teach ha something that she won't eva forget.


Today I'm finally 3 months pregnant. It's been 2 months since my dads death but I'm starting to get better. "Babbyyy" Chris yelled from upstairs. "What boy" I yelled back. "Come hea" I went upstairs to our room seeing him all wet I guess he just got out of the shower. "Boy what you want I'm trying to eat my food here" "You betta get that thot ass bitch before she get hurt. Ha ass won't leave me the fuck alone"

"If you was any smart you would change yo number, call Jamal to handle his girl and if he don't ima handle her for him" I said putting my hands on my hips. "You right well time to go to the studio" he said putting his jordans on and kissing me before leaving out. I shook my head and went to go eat my Chipotle.


It's been 5 hours and this nigga still aint here. I'm ova here bored as fuck. I picked up my phone to call Camryn but than a sign popped up on my screen saying emergency calls only. "Oh hell nah I know T-Mobile did not just cut off my phone" I looked at my phone crazy. "Shit emergency call it is"

"911 what's your emergency?" said the lady. "My emergency is that I'm bored. T-Mobile cut my phone off so yall the only people I can call" the lady didn't say anything and just hung up. "Bitch" I said throwing my phone across the bed. After a few minutes Chris walked in. "Babbbyyy!!!" I said running to him hugging and kissing him like I haven't seen him in months. "Damn girl you missed me that much" he said laughing. "Hell yea like a nigga was bored and tell me how T-Mobile bo bo ass cut my phone off"

"Maybe cause you didn't pay yo bill" "Yes I did I paid it last month" Chris hit his hand against his forehead shaking it at the  same time. "What?" I asked concerned. "You do know that you have to pay every month right?" "OH that's how it works I knew that well I guess I'll go pay it online right now." After paying my bill which took me years to figure out I went downstairs to get something to drink. I came back upstairs over hearing Chris talking on the phone. I stood by the door to hear what he was saying on the phone.

"I just came home nigga.....well I wanna spend time with my girl....I don't give a fuck....I gotchu tomorrow....alright nigga bye" "Who was that?" I said scaring him a little. "Oh just somebody I work with" I nodded my head knowing damn well he was lying. Who ever that was ima find out and it betta not be no girl.


When Jasmine came in asking who was I was on the phone made me hesitate a little. Jasmine don't know this but I sell dope on the low. That's the only way I can pay the bills in the house and support my family. Everyday after I go to the studio I go sell dope around the corner store that's the only reason why I come home late every night. The only person that knows this is Michael cause he's also in this business with me. After I finish this song I'm making and become famous I'm leaving all this selling dope behind.

The person I was on the phone with was someone I own. I just don't have the money to pay her back. The only time I can actually pay her back is tomorrow cause that's when I'll have all the money. To be honest she's real fine but not my type. I already have someone of my own. Right now I could tell Jasmine knew I was lying but I just don't have the strength to tell her the truth right now.

"Baby you alright cause you look like you fin slap a bitch" I said "Nah not at all" she said shaking her head. Now I know she lying cause when she says nah not at all and shakes ha head there's something wrong. "Stop lying bro" "I'll stop lying when you start telling the truth" she said giving me a fake smile. I kept quiet before I had got myself in some serious shit. A second later my phone started to ring. Before I could grab the phone Jasmine hurried and took it. "Now listen here hoe you betta leave my man alone before I have to put you in yo place. Text and call his phone one more time its gon be hell on earth for you hun" she said before hanging up.

"Ba-" "Leave me alone Chris why won't you just go to sleep we have a lot to do in the morning" I just stood there and laid down thinking bout hella shit. I had a lot going on right now. I'm just having mixed emotions right now.

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