Chapter Two

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Everything I do, I do because of my father. I own two hotels because he gave them to me. I am the way I am because he moulded me to be that way. And now, in everything I do, I see him. He haunts me. But he's my father, and the only family I have left, so I'm forced to deal with it. I'm forced to persevere.

I try to distance myself from him at every opportunity i get. But I find that rather challenging seeing as he finds the need to worm his way into my life at every possible chance that comes by.

When I'm in my club, it's the only time I am truly free from him. There is purposely no service down here and my father is blissfully unaware of its existence.

I've even made all of my employees, and club members, sign contracts legally obliging them to not speak of the club to anyone who is not aware of it. It will ruin its speciality to me if my father found out about it. It is the only thing he can't infiltrate with his evil.

"Everyone shut up." I looked at Sadie who was staring intensely at the stage. I raised an eyebrow at her, "My favourite dancer is performing so I'd appreciate it if you'd all close your mouths."

"None of us were talkin-" Tobi began to speak but quickly stopped as his sister sent him a deathly glare. He raised his hands in surrender, causing a stifled laugh to escape my lips. Sadie is the one and only person who I've ever seen Tobi be scared of. He is seemingly fearless until you get his twin sister involved.

"Shhhh." She hissed at us before relaxing back into her seat. I laughed to myself before moving my eyes to the stage Sadie seemed so captivated by.

I wasn't expecting anything, out of this world. Don't get me wrong, the dancers I hire are the best of the best but I'm in here so often that i've become sort of acclimatised to them.

However, the moment my eyes fell on the stage, my whole being was struck with a billowing sense of adoration. The woman on stage moved like the wind. So effortlessly and so flawlessly. Her body was at one with the music and every one of her movements enhanced her natural beauty.

My mind went into a frenzy trying to comprehend how I'd never noticed her before. Seeing as no new dancers were hired in the past three months, it felt almost like a crime for me to not recognise her.

And it wasn't just me either. Each on of my friends - who are pretty much here with me every night of the week - sat there, enchanted by her.

Except for Sadie. She watched her with familiarity and pose. Like she'd been watching her dance her whole life but it somehow never got old. I was almost offended by the fact Sadie hadn't pointed her out sooner.

As soon as it began, her dance came to an end. She stood on stage - a shy confidence running through her body - smiling to everyone.

The small amount of people in the audience cheered and clapped and her eyes lit up slightly. They scanned the crowd until they landed on me. Her smile faded slightly, like she was trying to make out my features while the bright lights and distance impaired her vision. I smirked slightly at the way she looked at me. She looked at me like I was the only person in the room.

I looked down at my watch as she walked off stage. I needed to know who this woman was. I'd have to ask my stage manager later. I didn't care how creepy that sounded. I desired more than anything to put a name to her beautiful face.

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