Chapter Five

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"Aaliyah!" Livia's voice shouted from the door. "Your phones ringing. I'd answer it for you but I really have to get to the studio."

"Have fun, love you!" I shouted back to her as I picked up Theo from her position on the bed. I watched as her eyes curiously flicked around the room, taking everything in as though it was her first time seeing.

"Love you more." I heard the door shutting and locking behind her as I quickly ran over to my phone.

"Hello." I said as the harsh ringing finally stopped.

"Hey, babe. It's Cressida, I was just calling to ask if you could possibly come in for a shift in half an hour." Her voice sounded hopeful and slightly panicked.


She interrupted me, "Please, Aaliyah...It's double normal pay...because it's so last minute."

I would be lying if I said the thought of extra money didn't pique my interest. What single mother wouldn't. But I also felt awful even thinking about the prospect of leaving her during the day.

I had money. We were living in a New York city, two bedroom apartment. However i didn't have enough money to peruse my dreams. I didn't have enough money to sort my life out and stop woking in the club.

I wanted to open my own ballet studio. I want to teach people to love my passion. I wanted to show my daughter my passion and I want her to have the opportunity to, hopefully, follow in my footsteps and fall in love with dance.

Thinking about the future and the idea of it happening sooner, made a smile form on my face.

"I would love to, but I have no one to look after Theo." I replied.

"She can go to the hotel nursery. My children are there right now and I trust the staff there with my life." She said. Cressida was the most incredible, caring mother i'd ever met and her three young boys were little angels so I believe her words and trusted her judgement.

I thought on it for a minute before I started to nod my head, "Ok. I'll be there in ten."


"Hello. I'm Meredith, what can I do for you today?" A lady, who seemed to be in her late   fourties', asked as her eyes flicked to the sleeping abby in my arms.

"I have a shift in ten minutes, and I know it's last minute but one of my coworkers said you might be able to look after my daughter while i'm there?" I shifted on my feet, slightly anxious about time and making sure Theo was safe.

"Of course, my love. Let me just check the system and see if we can sort that for you." She smiled at me with a smile so light and wholesome it made me feel the urge to hug her.

"What's your name?" She looked up at me from her computer screen.

"Aaliyah Kali." I answered.

"And who's this?" She looked at Theo in my arms, a look of complete adoration washing over her face.

"This is Theodora. But everyone calls her Theo." I said, smiling down at my daughter.

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