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fighting to urge to break down in tears, hongjoong looked out the car window, raindrops dropped so slowly on the window and the sound of it had relaxed the boy to slowly close his eyes, thinking of only one thing, that was stuck into his mind.

flashbacks from his parents conversation yesterday, if you even could call that a conversation. they were screaming at each other, while hongjoong the poor boy had crawled under his covers while closing his ears, not that it helped much though. he heard every little thing.

⏝⋮࿙࿚⋮⏝࿔ .♡. ࿔⏝⋮࿙࿚⋮⏝

"get out, we arrived." his father said to him before getting out the car and smacking the door behind him, like it all was the doors fault. he slowly opened the car door and got out after grabbing his bag, he didnt have much time to pack alot of stuff, but he had the important stuff with him, and that was all that mattered to him.

he looked to his so called new house, it was grey, small and boring, probably the most plain and ugly house he had ever seen, but it didn't matter, he didn't plan on the seeing it from the outside very often anyways, "what'you think? son" his father chuckled at him and spit out the gum he have had in his mouth for god knows how long.  "it's fine" hongjoong replied dryly with a tiny smile, he wouldn't want to piss off his father right in this moment of time.

the house wasn't exactly ugly from the inside, but it wasn't that pleasant either. but again, hongjoong couldn't care less and neither could his father, he was an abusive addict and alcoholic, he shouldn't care what he lived in, hongjoong knew his father only did this for him and not himself, it made his heart melt a little how he still cared just enough to move in a place that was as good as this, even though it wasn't good. at all. but it was, fine.

hongjoong sighed lightly, the house was in 5 rooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms, one was bigger than the other, so hongjoong had choosen the smaller one, it was enough for him, there would be able to fit a bed, a small table and a wardrobe for his clothing to be in, it was more than enough for hongjoong, he didnt need much, and the things he did need, he never got, so he learned to live without it, most of the time.

"you mind going out to buy some beer for me?" his father had said, right behind the shorter boy, who had spin around quickly, slightly startled at his father's sudden speech. "ehm but, can i do it later?" he asked quietly, mentally praying to god that this wouldn't go wrong.

"so it's a no, yeah?" his father asked him,  raising one eyebrow while looking down at his son, "no, no of course not. I'll go" hongjoong quickly added and smiled at his father, he wasn't looking for any trouble just now, not today

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"that'll be 10$" the cashier spoke, hongjoong reached for his wallet, putting down 9 dollars at the desk, hoping they wouldn't notice or just let it slide,  but he wasn't so lucky just today
"that's 9$ hun" the cashier said to hongjoong while furrowing her eyebrows at him, "o–oh um" hongjoong looked around, hoping the cashier would just let him go, "yeah ? i need 10, not 9" she spoke annoyed at him.  the boy took a deep breath, gripping tight to the beers he had in his hands.

"i–im sorry ma'am" hongjoong muttered out before grabbing the 9$ and the beers, running out of the store, he heard the usual yelling, thief!.. there's a thief!..
and it goes on, but he was used to this, the difference today was just that

he had the cashier running right behind him, he swore under his breath thinking what the actual he was going to do now, that was until he felt two strong arms, grabbing his body and pulling him in. he watched the cashier run right past him, letting him let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.  hongjoong looked down at his own body, to see two arms around him, he quickly got himself out of that and looked at the guilty person.

he was tall, very tall. his hair was dark and almost black, it matched so well with his pale skin and his face that had the prettiest features blending so well together to get the so attractive face of his, he had black ripped jeans, and a white oversized t–shirt tucked into it, hongjoong almost melted just looking at the tall man, he was gorgeous.

"you're staring" the attractive man spoke while breaking out in a chuckle, that was just as attractive as himself. his voice also being not too light and a slight bit deeper than other male voices hongjoong had heard.

"o–oh im,  who are you even?" he stuttered through his sentence, trying not to make a fool out of himself.
"seonghwa, park seonghwa" he smiled to hongjoong.

"i don't know you then.  but thanks for helping me.. I'll get going" hongjoong said, not leaving quick enough.
seonghwa chuckled once again, watching the panicked boy leaving.

⏝⋮࿙࿚⋮⏝࿔ .♡. ࿔⏝⋮࿙࿚⋮⏝

"that took you long enough." his father spoke in hongjoongs face, the second he stepped inside their house. hongjoong could only lower his head and nod, agreeing to his fathers word, even though he knew it wasn't his fault, he could try explaining that to his father but it most likely wouldn't end good.

"why? do you want me to do it myself next time!?" his father yelled, making ho ngjoong slightly startled.

"yeah, I do." he spoke, his head low, not even daring to look his father in the eyes at this exact moment. he knew it was coming and he felt it, his father had kicked him in the stomach, now a hand landed on his cheek, another kick and
.. 5 kicks later, he would usually be done.

then hongjoong would wash up as usual and go to sleep, or go to lay in his bed with eyes open all night.

a/n ; hii um this ain't edited sorry lmao but I'm not really expecting any readers and I'm mostly just doing this story for me becuz i like it and i have the whole story planned out ,I just wanted to write it down because i usually do so, just never publish them buttttt yolo, right? hehehh ♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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