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Chapter twoHelp

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Chapter two

15 January 2014

Aurora was currently getting dressed for the first day of school as her vision blurred up from tears falling out of her glowing eyes.

She hated school.

As you have noticed,Aurora has a few problems.

That was the reason she hated going to school.

She got bullied.

Sometimes even physically as the girls would try and cut her hair and pamper her with make up.

The poor,young female couldn't even stand up for herself as she would sometimes forget something was even happening to her.

Aurora suffered from short term memory loss,severe depression and anxiety,schizophrenia,bipolar disorder and terrible anger issues.

The teachers never understood why Tasha would even think of sending her daughter to school,knowing she was not in the right state of mind.

Tasha never cared though reason being Aurora actually gets one of the highest grades in the school.

No one understood how.

People that actually knew about the girl,knew she was special.

They've never seen anyone like her before.

Her eyes was what stood out most as when she cried,which was frequently, they would glow.

It was absolutely beautiful.

Everything about her was.

"Aurora,why aren't you done?I'm leaving,you can walk."Tasha said barging into the dark room that was only lit by the purple LEDs.

"W-why I need to be dressed?"Aurora asked feeling her body tense up from the furious look on her mother's face.

"You going to school,now don't be late."The angry woman said slamming the door behind her as she exited out the room.

Aurora flinched at the loud sound of the door.

Her bottom lip quivered as it slightly poked out.

The heartbroken teenager sat on the floor as she placed her crossed,cold arms on her knees,placing her head down as tears poured out of her eyes.

The poor girl always tried to deny the fact that she wasn't loved by the person who she loved the most,the only person she could count on as she had no contact with any other family members.

Although from the previous day you would've thought Tasha was a good mother that supported and loved her only daughter through out her conditions.

But no...

She was completely the opposite.

The woman who everyone thought was a kind,loving person who could do no harm despised her daughter.

The woman blamed the clueless, younger female for everything.

According to her,the female had ruined her life and ruined her image of having a beautiful daughter who would make her proud.

As she would say,"Now I'm just stuck with a fucking dumb,disabled bitch, you're a fucking disappointment."

Having short term memory actually helped Aurora through sometimes as she wouldn't remember all the terrible comments and remarks that would be told to her.

Aurora wiped the tears off her slightly red face as she sniffed while her breath hitched making her start coughing.

The drained out girl slowly stood up, using the support of her bed behind her as whenever she cried or was tired her body would become weak,meaning she would have to sleep to cure it.

Doctors even prescribed different medicines to help her but nothing would help.

When this would happen and Aurora was still up and about,her body would slowly start aching with a harsh pain.

Especially her arms and legs.

Aurora decided to leave her hair alone as it wasn't too bad.

It's not like she could do anything at the moment.

The young female slowly walked out of her room after switching off the LEDs.

The poor girl felt tears brim her eyes once again as she realised she was going to have to walk down the stairs.

Slowly turning back around,Aurora made her way back into the pitch black room as she never liked to have her curtains open during the day.

Switching on her actual light,the girl was stunned when the room lit up with a blue colour.

She had completely forgot she asked for a blue light as it was one of her favourite colours.

The pained girl slightly limped her way over to her nightstand where her phone,that had a purple,furry phone case,that had ears at the top and a bunny face at the back,laid.

Carefully picking up the phone that slightly felt heavy due to the fact she was getting weaker by the minute.

Going into the phone app,Aurora reached out,grabbing the piece of paper,where her mother's number was written on and dialed the number.

What Aurora didn't know was she accidentally pressed a wrong digit.

The young girl felt her breath pick up its pace as her chest heaved up and down,her hands trembled more violently as tears gushed out of her eyes once again.

Aurora placed her hand over her heart as her chest pained from the rapid pace it was beating at.

"Ay who dis?"An irritated voice was heard confusing Aurora.

"Au-Aurora."the younger girl breathed out as her body felt as if she was being skinned while still alive.

"Oh wassum pretty girl,how you get my number?"the voice said as they now seemed calm.

"H-help."Aurora said as she started coughing hoarsely.

"Oh shit,send me yo address."the voice said as keys rattling was heard.

Aurora quickly looked around for the paper where her address was written on.

"** ***** ****"She told him reading what was written after finding the sticky note.

Aurora felt herself get dizzy as she hung up the phone.

Black spots started to fill her blurred vision before everything went black and the unconscious girl fell to the floor that was covered with a grey, furry carpet.

All because she didn't want to disrespect her mother.


Help was what she needed.

And she needed it fast.

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