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Chapter fourI don't wanna be alone

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Chapter four
I don't wanna be alone

15 January 2014,Same day

"Family of Aurora Flor."A nurse called out.

Kentrell immediately stood up and walked over to her.

"Is she good?"he asked worriedly.

"Yes,she's awake right now,room 640 just go upstairs on your left."The nurse told him.

The saddened male,let out a sigh of relief as he looked back at the others.

He sent them a small smile,nodding his head,telling them she was okay.

The group stood up and followed the bowlegged male as he made his way to a staircase.

"Damn I hate stairs."One of the males expressed as he placed his hands on his knees,panting as they reached the second floor.

The group shook their heads at the unfit male as they continued their way to the room Aurora was in.

"Definitely not the opps."The oldest male with blondish dreads said as he read the door number.

"Nigga."Kentrell said knocking on the door before entering.

The younger girl who was sitting on the hospital bed,in a thin hospital gown looked over at the older group.

"Wassum pretty girl,you feeling better?"Kentrell asked the clueless girl as she had no idea who they were.

"Wh-who are you?"The young girl questioned as her breath hitched as she was now nervous from all the people in her room.

That's when it hit Von.

She had short term memory.

"We're your friends ma."He finally spoke up,shocking the others.

The male made his way over to the younger girl,sitting on the edge of the bed,next to her.

"I'm Dayvon mama."He introduced kindly as everyone slowly walked over to the duo.

"I'm India."The kind girl said smiling at her.

"I'm Durk."The male with the blonde dreads said.

"I'm Booka."The unfit male said smirking at her.

"Muwop."A male with fresh waves said.

"I'm Kentrell pretty girl."Kentrell said making her smile as she remembered the nurse told her about a man that brought her here,describing exactly how he looks.

"I'm Melly."A quiet male spoke in the nicest voice as possible as he was a mean one,like Dayvon.

"This is Lisa,Becky,Kayla and Ariana." India introduced the four other girls who were quiet.

Aurora nodded even though she knew she was going to forget their names soon.

"Y-you help me."The female said as she shakily pointed at the male who saved her life.

"Yeah I did."He said sending her a warm smile.

"Thank y-you."She said returning a small smile back as her body hasn't fully recovered yet.

"Give me a hug mama."Von said to the nervous female,holding his arms out, interrupting Kentrell who was about to speak.

Aurora slowly leaned forward as he moved closer to her,seeing she couldn't reach him properly.

Dayvon took in her sweet,natural scent as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Tha-nk you."The girl said with a slight blush on her face as her breath hitched

"No problem mama."He said grabbing her left hand,rubbing his thumb over the back of it as it trembled.

"Pretty ass hands."the older male whispered as he kissed the younger female's hand.

Kentrell watched the two as a slight feeling of jealousy washed over his body.

"Aurora those are yo real eyes or it's contacts?"Durk asked as he couldn't take his eyes off the sparkling orbs of the young female.

"Real."The female answered as she played with Dayvon's rings.

"Are you mixed?"

"Is your hair real?"

"Why don't you look like yo mama?"

"Your hair looks fake."

"Man shut y'all asses up."Von snapped looking at the group furiously as he saw how Aurora's chest heaved up and down as her hands shook more violently.

"Y'all stressing her."he said massaging both her hands to calm her down.

"Sorry Aurora."They all apologized seeing Von's harsh glare.

"C-can you leave pl-please?"Aurora whispered softly as she bowed her head down.

"Let's go."Kentrell said standing up with a sigh.

"Bye Aurora."India greeted,waving at her.

"You want me to stay?"Dayvon asked the girl who's shaky hand gripped his hand as he was about to leave with the rest of the group.

Aurora nodded slowly letting out a shaky breath.

"L-lay."The young girl nervously said patting next to her.

The older male smiled as he took off his shoes,placing them neatly in front of the bed before laying next to the smaller girl.

"How old are you mama?"He asked her as he pulled her into him,laying her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Fifteen."she answered looking up at him as her beautiful,violet eyes met his brown ones.

"I'm 19."he told her as he nodded his head.

The older male smiled as he dragged his fingered through,her silky,curly hair.

"You so pretty mama."He complimented as she held his left hand.

"Thank you,wh-whats your name?"she asked him closing her eyes.

"Dayvon."He answered massaging her head.

"Dayvon."The tired female whispered.

"Don't leave,I don't wanna be alone." She told him feeling herself slowly fall asleep.

"I won't mama,I'll be right here."He whispered to her.

"I don't wanna be alone."

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