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Chapter twelveThe basement

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Chapter twelve
The basement

17 January 2014

Amor and Aurora had just collected their food and exited out the restaurant.

"Aurora!"The two females heard followed with footsteps.

Looking in the direction they saw the two females Aurora was talking to, jogging over to them.

"Sorry to bother,we just wanted your number if you maybe wanna be friends."The female she called pretty said smiling.

Aurora let a huge smile spread across her face as she nodded her head.

She couldn't say no to more friends.

"G-give her."Aurora said pointing at Amor.

"I...I wi-will drop the pho-ne."she said showing them her hands that trembled rapidly.

"Oh okay,here."The female said handing Amor the phone.

Amor took the phone,pulling out Aurora's phone as well and checking the number,before typing it in the female's phone.

Amor then sent a text to Aurora's phone so she could save the number.

"What's your name?"She asked the female.

"India."The female answered making a slight headache form in Aurora's head.

"Here,I saved it already."Amor said handing India her phone.

"Okay cool,where are you guys headed?"she asked handing her phone to her friend so she could also save Aurora's number.

"Home and then to the beach."Amour answered not really wanting to talk.

"Do you mind if we join,it's hot out here today."India's friend asked making Amor want to roll her eyes as she just wanted to hang with her bestfriend.

"Yes!"Aurora squealed out before covering her mouth.

"Okay then,my name is Asian by the way."The female said smiling.

"Okay what time should we meet up?" India asked checking the time.

"12."The now annoyed female answered.

"Okay,we'll let you go now,see you soon."India said waving at Aurora.

"I l-like them Si,they like m-me,I-I have more friends,th-they want to be my friend Si."Aurora blurted out happily with joyful tears forming in her eyes as they walked back in the direction they came from.

"Why wouldn't they like you Ror, you're amazing."Amor said truthfully.

Aurora didn't say anything but kept the wide smile on her face.

Amor couldn't help but smile at how happy her bestfriend looked.

Letting out a sigh,she realised it wasn't always only going to be the two of them and she was going to have to share Aurora.

"Puppy."Aurora said pointing at the small Labrador that was walking with its owner.

"You wanna touch her?"The older brownskin woman asked smiling.

Aurora nodded,crouching down, nervously reaching out to the puppy, rubbing it soft,furry head.

"So c-cute."she said running her nails gently down the puppy's back.

"Th-thank you."Aurora said standing up straight looking up at the older woman.

"No problem honey,take care you two." She said before walking off.

"S-Si."Aurora said as they began walking again.

"Mm?"Amor hummed in response, telling her to talk.

"Why,Why you b-barely talk when-when I'm talking to someone?" Aurora talked frowning.

"Cause they're speaking to you,not me."Amor said taking in her surroundings.

"Oh,r-right."Aurora said feeling bad.

"Don't feel bad,I'm okay,I want you to make friends."Amor said placing her arm around her shoulders.

"Okay,but they,they have to be yo-your friends too if they want t-to be friends wi-with me."Aurora said smiling.

"Whatever you want Rora."Amor said kissing her head.

The two walked in silence for quit a while,letting the hot air wash over their bodies.

"Losing interest,you won't find no better than this,I swear girl if you leave,just let me know so it won't hurt bad when you move on."Aurora sang leaning her head on Amor's shoulder

"You didn't tell me you could sing." Amor said shocked.

"I forgot."She said shrugging.

"Who's song is that?"Amor asked.

"M-mine,I,I remember I sang it be-before."Aurora answered remembering her singing it in her room as a guy played his guitar.

"I was with a...a guy and he-he played his um gui-guitar and I-I was sad."she explained.

"A guy,how does he look?"Amor asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Like me,b-but he's like my-my mommy's colour."she said as they reached the house.

"Is...Is this the same guy you saw that time?"Amor questioned.

Aurora looked at her puzzled.

"I-nevermind."Amor said shaking her head as she opened the door.

Aurora followed behind her,closing the door as she kept the confused look on her face.

'Which guy did I see?'
'Do I know him?'
'My mommy can help me but she'll be mad that I can remember things.'
'Ill just have to find out on my own.'
'There's only one place she won't allow me in.'

The basement.
getbackgang_ can I have my cookie?

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