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The sky was overcast, heavy with dark blue clouds that swirled ominously overhead. Chilly gusts of wind whistled through the trees, whipping them back and forth, while the leaves rustled in harsh, swishing protests. The sun had yet to rise, leaving the lingering darkness of night clinging to the village.

Naruto trudged slowly through the bleak streets of Konoha, his pace unhurried and sluggish. His teeth chattered from the cold, and his stomach growled, still unsettled. The bitter taste of bile lingered in his throat. The streetlights cast a dim glow over his face, highlighting the deep shadows beneath his eyes. His once-bright cerulean eyes, now dull, resembled those of a lifeless doll.

He paused, glancing around the eerily empty street. It was 5 a.m., sure, but normally there would be at least some signs of life—people out for morning jogs, early grocery shopping, or simply walking in anticipation of the day. But now, it was dead silent. Not even a stray cat prowled the alleys. Naruto shook his head and kept walking, hoping the movement might clear his jumbled thoughts. It didn't.

His mind was still spinning. He couldn't shake the horrific images from the file, the mutilated face burned into his memory. The cuts all over the man's body, the long, jagged gashes, made it clear that whoever had done this wanted him to suffer. He was hardly recognizable. Not that Naruto knew what he looked like before. He seemed familiar. Yes. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Distant shouts suddenly echoed through the quiet streets. Snapping the boy out of his stupor. Naruto stopped, turning toward the sound. Had he imagined it? He stood still, waiting. Then, another louder, more desperate shout was heard. Confirming his suspicions. His stomach clenched.

What if...

No. He couldn't think like that. But still, he found himself running toward the sound, his feet pounding against the pavement as dread curled inside him. Fear gnawing at him, he braced himself for whatever he might find.

When Naruto reached the source of the noise, relief washed over him. It was just a couple of kids. But then he saw what was happening. An older boy had cornered the smaller one, a cruel grin plastered across his face.

The older kid was tall. Around five foot nine. He was lanky too. He had black hair that slightly covered his eyebrows, and green eyes to go with it. He looked to be older than Naruto, by a few years at least. The younger kid wasn't as intimidating. He was blonde with brown eyes. Short and skinny. Almost anorexic. Naruto grimaced at the scene unfolding in front of him. It sickly reminded him of his own childhood. Although his memory was foggy, the strong emotions he felt back then are unforgettable. Loneliness, anguish, hatred, and constant fear of people like this boy. The blue eyed boy clenched his fists. Eyebrows furrowing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Naruto yelled, walking up to the pair. His knuckles cracked as his hands balled into fists. Both boys turned to face him, the younger one looking up at him with silent desperation.

"Just teaching this brat a lesson," the older boy sneered. "You got a problem with that?"

"Hell yeah, I do," Naruto shot back, his glare matching the boy's. The older kid shoved the smaller one to the ground and started toward Naruto, his grin widening.

"Oh, you wanna start something?" he taunted. "You better run home to your mommy before I—"

Naruto cut him off, rolling his eyes. "Shut up already." He reached up to point at his headband, only to realize he'd forgotten to wear it. Great. Guess he'd have to do this the hard way.

"Give it your best shot, asshole." Naruto challenged.

The taller boy lunged at him, throwing a punch. Naruto dodged effortlessly, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back. In one swift motion, he slammed the boy to the ground, pinning him with his foot on his back and pulling his arms painfully behind him. The boy whimpered.

The Boy In The Mirror: A Naruto FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now