🍰Sweet, sweet Y/n🍰

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Y/n POV:

Love; a word I can't explain. Love is what I feel for Finney Blake. I can describe it like a pillow, a really soft pillow. I've known Finney Blake since the fourth grade, we were playing in the sandbox at recess and I gave him my blue plastic shovel.

We are good friends but I don't get to see him much anymore. My parents don't trust me to walk alone to any of my friends houses since the disappearances started happening. The sad thing is I knew one of the kids that went missing, Bruce Yamada. He was my best friend. He knew all about my crush on Finney. He knew who Finney was because they went against each other at a baseball game. He told me Finney had a good arm.

When Bruce went missing, Finney was there for me. I balled my eyes out in the school bathroom for days. The school counselor let me just crash in her office all day. The only class I went to was the one with Finney in it. I know it's strange but that's just who I felt comfortable with, other than the school counselor.

    I got up from my chair and looked at the clock. "I'm ready for class, good bye Miss" I said rubbing my eyes. I walked out of the office and went to the bathroom, turning on the sink. I splashed water on my face and then dried off. Then I heard Donna walk in. "Hey Y/n.." he spoke surprised to see me. "Hey Donna! I was just about to head to class. See you there?" I replied happily. Just because Finney liked her more than he'll ever like me; doesn't mean I hate Donna. She's pretty and sweet. I can see why Finney likes her so much. She's a good friend, that's why I have to keep liking Finney a secret. I do own a diary but it's kept at home and under my mattress. "Oh yeah! See you there!" She said beginning to smile. She's happier than usual.. maybe Finney finally asked her out. Maybe I finally have a reason to stop bothering to go to school. Y/n chill out, you're overthinking this whole situation. I smiled at Donna and walked out of the bathroom.

My eyes wandered the hallway looking for Finney. He saw me first and snuck up on me. "Hey there angel" Finney said while smiling his warm smile. "Hey Finney!" I spoke as he pulled me in for a side hug while he made our way to class. "How was the counselors office?" He asked. "It was boring and sad. As per usual" I replied sighing. "You could always come to my classes and chill" he suggested. "That defeats the whole purpose of practically living in the office" I joked. "You're right. But I miss seeing you in the hallway!! It's like I only see you for an hour a day, in science." He whined. Wow, I didn't realize he actually missed me. "Woah! I didn't realize that the Finney Blake, misses me Y/n Y/l/n during school hours" I said fake surprised. He chuckled and we made it to class. I sat down in my usual spot and Finney sat next to me.

I awaited for the lesson to start after the bell rang, but I started to wonder. No not wonder, daydream, What would it be like to actually be with Finney. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. After a few minutes my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep in class.

Finney's POV:

I listened to the teacher talking. But I found myself looking at Y/n. She was sleeping next to me with her head down. I looked at the teacher and he saw that she was sleeping. "Y/n." The teacher called. She picked up her head and rubbed her eyes. "Yes sir?" She replied sleepily. "If this is a problem proclaiming Bruce you should go back to the counselor" he said in front of the entire class snarking. Y/n immediately sat up straight and her face went red as the whole class turned to look at her. "Sorry sir, it wasn't about bruce." She spoke up.  I felt so bad for her. Anyone could see that she was nervous. "Ok." The teacher said sternly. He turned around to the chalk board but the class was still staring at her. Even Donna. I made eye contact with her when she started giggling. When she saw me glaring at her she stopped immediately. Then I heard someone whisper something snarky so I faked falling off of my chair. "Ow!" I spoke loudly so everyone's eyes went to me instead. The class turned into a laughingstock. "Mr Finney, go to the office I'm sick of this class's disrespect!" The teacher shouted. "My apologies, sir" I said with a smirk. "Get out of my sight and take Y/n with you i can't take this anymore today!" He yelled. The class gasped at the teachers actions. Donna looked upset. I chuckled. Y/n stood up and walked out of the door quickly. I went after her and shut the door behind me. "Y/n! Wait up!" I called for her. "Finney, you just embarrassed me" she scolded. "I'm sorry I was just trying to help. I saw everyone judging you and I heard them whisper, so I distracted them by falling out of my chair" I defended myself. She looked me in the eyes and I saw tears forming in hers. "Y/n. I'm sorry.." I let out. The tears now streaming down her face. I backed up against a locker and then put my arms out so she could hug me. She then stepped closer and collapsed in my arms. "Finney, this is just so hard without Bruce.. You're the best don't get me wrong, and I wouldn't want this any other way. But he knew all my secrets and I knew his, we had a lot of jokes together, and he wanted me to do this thing that I cannot do without possibly losing a friend" Y/n let out while crying. I felt so incredibly sad and sorry in this moment.

A/n: heyyyy. New story. Again. I get bored a lot sooo that's why I wrote so many at once. New chapter soon! This took too long to write. Xoxo Gj<3

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