The diagnosis

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3rd person pov:

Y/n has been having nightmares for weeks. Finney has been staying at her house for nights on end. Her breakdowns started after the hospital incident. She thought Robin was still alive even though she went to the funeral for all boys a long time ago. But no one can take it anymore and they want answers.

Y/n's POV:

"Mommy please! Momma!" I cried in pain. She looked so tired and annoyed.

"I just don't know what's the matter with you Y/n!" She yelled in frustration with a glass of vodka in her hand. "You haven't been sleeping! You've been having these fits! And Finney can't even stand you!".

"That's not true! Finney loves me!" I whined. I knew this was true. But I don't know what's wrong with me. The kidnapping happened a while ago now, so how could it be a trauma response?

"I don't care, we're going to see a psychiatrist!" Mom scowled before taking a big gulp of her alcoholic beverage.


We got in the car and I sat in silence with tear stained cheeks. I looked longingly at my mother. She saw my expression and looked at me with a side eye.

I feel like a disappointment.

The car ride was long and dreadful. The building was big and white. Very intimidating. I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out of the car. "Here we are." Mom sighed as she shut her door.

   We walked in and I sat in the waiting room as I heard my mothers voice talking to the receptionist. She sounds like she's desperate for me to be medicated. Honestly I don't blame her.


     The Doctor sat me down on a couch in her office. "What's been the issue?" The doctor asked. I was about to open my mouth to speak when my mother stopped me.

    "I'll tell you! She's been screaming at night, not sleeping, never leaving the house, showing narcissistic behavior, having fits for no reason, and complaining of such psychotic thing!" My mom went on ranting. I tuned out her voice and soon she sounded muffled to me.

    "Y/n? Y/n?" The doctor spoke concerned.
     "What?" I asked as I snapped back to reality.

   "You've been staring at your mother for five minutes, can I ask you some questions?" She calmly explained. I nodded in response.

  "Can you remember anything about what happened with The Grabber?" She asked with a smile.

  "Yes, me and Finney were in a basement..." I went on to tell her the whole story about what happened to us and I began to tear up.

"That's a lot. Now, can you tell me what you've been so scared of?" She asked as she motioned for me to talk.

   "I've been seeing the grabber in my dreams. I know it not real but it feels like it. The whole experience didn't feel traumatic to me so I'm confused as well." I retorted.


    "Y/n, I believe you have PTSD. No, I know you have PTSD. I will proscribe you some medication to stop the outbursts and lack of sleep. Also you're gonna see a counselor 2 times a week for the next couple months. It's very common for someone to go through this after a very rough experience so you don't have to be ashamed." The doctor explained. I smiled and so did my mom.

    I can't wait to see Finney again.

A/n: OMG IM BACK!! I missed writing this book and the people's feed back! I love you guys and hope you enjoyed

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