Boston Massachusetts Part 1

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It been about three years now since Izaya and Psyche left Japan when to Boston to get away from Shizuo Heiwajima. but now it time for them to head back amd face the muisc, what he did about three year ago Izaya was packing the living room when Psyche walk in the livingroom from his bedroom he just woke up from his nap when Izaya stop packing look up see Psyche said.

Izaya-hey baby did you have a nice nap baby.

Toddler Psyche-yes mama i did and mama what are you doing.

Izaya-am packing we are moving back to japan where you was born.

Toddler Psyche-i don't wont to go byebye from here.

Izaya-i don't either but we have to baby it time go back home,to see Uncle Shinra,Uncle Kida,Uncle Mikado Anut Anri and Aunt Celty.

Toddler Psyche-yes Aunties and Uncles time yay.

Izaya smile watch his son dance around the living/Kitchen.

Toddler Psyche-Aunties and Uncles time.

Izaya-now you go play so i can finished up in then we can go out to lunch and go to the park to play okay.

toddler Psyche-yes Mama.

Izaya-that my boy.

Psyche ran to his room to play and Izaya finished packing the kitchen and said to him self.

Izaya-why are we moving back i have no family left Auntie and Uncle passway a year ago and Mr Saito passway two year ago i haven't talk to my sisters. in three year the only people i talk to is Celty,Shinra,Kida,Anri and Mikado that it haven't talk, to Shizuo since that night he find me at the cottage.when his  Lawyer call me and look and haven't look back since.

Izaya stop packing when out of the kitchen and sit down on the couch lost in thought didn't hear Psyche walk in and said to his mama.

Toddler Psyche-Mama am hunger Mama.

Izaya-huh oh am sorry baby what you said.

toddler Psyche-am hunger mama can we go get some bitesbites now.

Izaya-am sorry baby come on let go get some Lunch.

Toddler Psyche -yes bites bites Mama.

Izaya got his wallet,cellphone and keys put there coat on since still cold out spring on but it get warmer but still cold Izaya pick up Psyche in his arms and said.

Izaya-okay little manyou ready to go and get some lunch now with Mama

Toddler Psyche-yes Mama let go get bites bites.

Izaya put his shoes and help Psyche in his shoes open door walk out the door with Psyche in his arms Izaya lock the door walk down the hall to the stairs,walk out of the build walk down the sidewalk to get some lunch for him and Psyche so Izaya ask him what would like for lunch today.

Toddler Psyche- um chicken nuggets and fires Mama what are going get Mama.what are you going to get Mama.

Izaya-i don't know what i want yet i look when i get here to see what i will get.

Toddler Psyche-Mama will i like living in japan Mama.

Izaya-you may like living in Japan it are home it where are family living like Uncle Shinra,Aunt Celty , Uncle Mikado,Uncle Kida and Aunt Anri and has good Russia Sushi that i will take you when we get to Japan Mama love fatty Tuna it good.

Toddler Psyche-will like Sushi Mama.

Izaya-i don't know you have to trying it to see if you like sushi or not baby.

book 2   Izaya come back to Japan with PsycheWhere stories live. Discover now