Surprise baby shower for the twins boys Part 22

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Anri: oh thank you Shizuo am going to text Celty to see if she want to help me with the baby shower for Izaya how about Nov 11th for the of the shower and we can have at your place shince it be good in stand of find a place to host it .

Shizuo: okay that be good shince he on bedrest now and send me the time to bring him back time for the surprise baby showers.

Anri: sure i was think bring back 2:30 the party start at 3:00 on the 11th and going to 4:00 going to have your guys register at KIDDYLAND AND BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT ALICE AND THE PRIATES.

Shizuo: sound good to me Anri.

Anri: okay Shizuo.

justthing Izaya started to wake up from his nap Shizuo look up from his cellphone and text back Anri.

Shizuo: Anri i got to go Izaya is wake up from his nap he felt a sleep when we was watch a movie .

Anri: okay later I Text more about you know what when he not in the same room he don't need to know what going on.

Shizuo: no this baby shower is from him and a surprise for him to.

Anri: bye Shizuo.

Shizuo; bye Anri.

Shizuo stop text Anri and look at Izaya and Said to him.

Shizuo- hey Izaya how was your nap and are you hunger.

Izaya- hey Shizuo it was good nap and no am not hunger right now so who was you text just now.

Shizuo- it was Anri she just want to know how you was feeling is all.

Izaya- that was sweet of her to do to check on to see how am doing .

Shizuo- yes it was sweet of herto ask about you.

what Izaya doesnt know is Anri want to throw him a surprise baby shower for the twins and they don't wont Izaya to know about it he get back from going out with Shizuo that day so Shizuo look at Izaya and ask him.

Shizuo- Izaya would like to go out for little while on Nov 11TH for a day not all day but for a day.

Izaya- i like that go out with my Husband for day so why do want to take me out for.

Shizuo- i just want to take you out one last time before you are stuck in are bed or on the couch for the rest of your pregnancy it be while for you are out of the bed to walk around again after the twins are born.

Izaya- yes you are right Shizuo about that But it be nice to go out it may be cold or cool day.

Shizuo-okay we are going out that day just the two of us.

Izaya okay and do you mean the four of us now i got to use the bathroom one of the twins is lay on my bladder.

Izaya took the blanket off of him and got off the couch walk over to the hallway bathroom walk in the bathroom close the bathroom door Shizuo.pick his cellphone and text Anri back.

Shizuo text Anri

Shizuo: okay am take Izaya out that day on the 11th of Nov and i leave my key under the mat so you and Celty come in to decorate for the baby shower.

Anri: okay thank you and Celty and Shinra say they both will me so how are you going to stay away from the apartment for Shizuo.

Shizuo: long anuh for you three to decorate the apartment but not to long for him to be out of bed or off the couch since he on bedrest.

Anri: that give us time to get your apartment decorate.

Shizuo: okay i take him out that morning come around here to the apartment that morning and bring your out fit that would wear to the party three at the apartment when you get here.

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