Chapter 1

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When Fierce labs took that island miles away from the city and told us why, we were shocked. But that 50 years ago, and things have changed. Now that after they tried to clone Dinosaurs and make a park when inGen failed, he wanted to succeed. But it was one only for a week when all the Dino's broke lose and killed everyone. Even all the fierce buildings were shut down and have been abandoned. But those sea Dino's are getting closer and closer to the city. It looks like there also creating a path for those land creatures to come and invade the city. And there thinking "I got to eat, I got to hunt, I got to kill". So they want to invade the city and take over. So that's why the president is a team of the best. My name is Jose the leader in this mission. I have taken my own team of choice (6 guys). Ryan was the scientist (he was very vital to the mission), Kevin was the tracker, Matthew was the hacker, Ethan carried the big guns, and Nick and Michael were the most agile. Though we are the best, I have a feeling not all of us will make it back alive. Our guys back at base helped loaded our boat with 2 years supply of ammo, food, weapons, and batteries, as well as an spare exo suit for us. So we then went to the island, also we had two other boats with us and an evac or attack helicopter. 5 minutes in the water we were almost there but then we got attacked. We were figuring out what it was but then Michael shouted out "Mosasaur!!" and we saw the giant creature take down a boat. The last two boats made it but the other boat was about to stop when the mosasaur grabbed that one and messed up our engine. "It's gonna blow as I grabbed Ryan and jump boosted my out as well as everyone else. Then the boat exploded, luckily our supplies was okay. The only thing that got destroyed was our extra exo-suits. "Well" Kevin said, "Best we keep moving". As we left the shore we saw that sea-creature jump fully up and did a mighty roar taking down the helicopter. "There goes are air-support"Ethan said. "Let's keep moving, we need to find a place to set up camp" I said. "What's our first move?" Nick asked. "We need to find there main building and find all the Dino's from there, we'll continue from there" I said. "Sounds like a plan"Ethan said.

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