Guitar time

309 5 2

A/N- I haven't done this
In a lonnng time so bear
With me here guys-

You were laying  in Eddie's bed, listening to him strum random cords on the guitar. You tried your hardest to hum along in your head to whatever tune he was playing, but to no avail.
You were never really good at music, and you never tried to learn any interments. Although you were in love with music, especially when Eddie played.
"Y/n?" Eddie hummed out to get your attention.
"Yes, love?" You sat up from the bed with a small smile across your lips.
Eddie stood up, turning to you with a wide grin.
"Come here," he spoke in a soft tone.
You raised an eyebrow to him, but slid off the side of the bed anyways. You walked over to him as he began to take his guitar off.
"What are you doing?" You said while chuckling softly.
"You've just gotta trust me!" He responded while laughing .
You nodded slightly in agreement as he placed the guitar strap around you methodically.
"I want to try and teach you how to play!" He spoke , his words were full of excitement.
You gave a nervous smile, worried that you would somehow break his precious guitar. You carefully placed a hand over the strings, then looked back up at eddie.
"You've got it, princess," Eddie smiled and slightly fixed your hand placement.

For the next hour or so, Eddie patiently taught you to play an easy song. Each time you messed up, he would correct you in a gentle voice. He would never get irritated when you weren't able to get a note right, or that it sounded weird.
You leaned back against the bed and sighed
"Love? It's getting late, why don't we lay down?" Eddie suggested as he took the guitar off of you.
"That sounds wonderful," you nodded with closed eyes.
Eddie walked across the room and placed his guitar in its spot. You opened your eyes and smiled at him as he walked over to you.
"Let's try again tomorrow. What do you say?" He asked as both of you laid in the bed.
You laid your head on his chest and let out of hum of agreement. It didn't take you long to begin to doze off.
"Sleep well, beautiful," Eddie mumbled to you as he began playing with your hair.

They'll be more to come 💔
It's 5am and I need to sleep

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