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Lee know found himself once again sitting on that one bench watching the boy he's been obsessed with for the past three months, he has a huge argue to search about the latter but decided to go against it .

It's a routine for him now around 4 pm he'd come to the park and watch the boys picking flowers then being called by the same man before limping to the other and leaving the place , nothing Change about it , except his growing attraction to the younger .

Lee know sighed as he watched the other leaving , before standing and leaving the park .

He walked into the main mansion being greeted by his men "yo hyung what's uppp" hyunjin jogged to him wanting to hug him but he stepped to the side making the male hug the air " don't test me hyunjin " he said shaking his head " damn it can't you just accept my affection I'm your favorite deongsaeng " hyunjin dramatically.

"We all know that I'm his favorite deongsaeng you big loser right hyung?!" Felix said as he tried to hug minho but stopped when minho pointed a gun at him "try it is won't hesitate to shoot you " Felix just chuckled , they were used to this minho was never and affection person , he hates skinship "and I have no favorite deongsaeng " he said walking away " you're all my favorite " he smiled making the others cheer loudly .

Hyunjin and Felix were a part of Lee knows special team they're not just his team they're his friends people who he love for dear life but he's not really good at showing his love .

"Hey chan" he greated the male who has his eyes glued to his laptop screen " hey " he replied " any news? " he asked and chan hummed "I finally managed to track the detective I know the perfect time to attack the fucker also I found a new hidden storage where they sell weapons and drugs I will send you the details " he explained "perfect " Lee know .

"So how was your stalking session hmm?" Chan asked " none of your business " Lee know rolled his eyes " you know I can always find informations about your little boy you only have to ask" Chan said finally taking his eyes of the screen and looking at minho.

"For the fucking thousand times Chan I don't want to know about him I will get attached " he said sighing " more than this? Minho you basically stalk him everyday you can't even spend the day without seeing him last time you missed seeing him you've been grumpy the whole day!" Chan said kinda disappointed at minho's stupid thoughts.

"You think I don't know that?! I already know how attached I am to him I don't want it to get worst let me be " minho said rubbing his forehead Chan sighed and looked back at his screen he's worried about minho, it was the first time ever , no one has ever caught his eye before , chan knows that minho is not the person to fall in love or get attached to anyone no matter how hard they tried to find him someone he always refused and it never worked for him that's why Chan always pressured him to talk to the boy or see his informations but minho was a stubborn male and no one can change his mind.

"When is the right time to take down the detective ?" Minho asked "tomorrow at 4 am I know that he have some business " chan said "what business ?" Minho asked curiously and chan gave him a look " fucking knew it that dirty hoe I can't wait to bring him down" minho hissed standing up " inform the team about it I want them to bring him here to me I'd like to have a little chitchat with him " minho smirked and chan shivered he knew exactly what the 'chitchat' was .

Jisung walked to his usual spot at the small flowers field, his body was aching and he felt so much pain but that never stopped him from coming to his place , he enjoyed the feeling of freedom even if he wasn't free he's kinda thankful that they allow him to come here.

Jisung also noticed the male who always sit on the bench and watch him , he aware of the other's stare , Jisung didn't really pay much attention to the person that's watching him , he doesn't even know what they look like and he doesn't want to, he's afraid you can't blame him .

He started picking the flowers as he always does it help him to relax and forget about everything "TIME TO GO HOME SLUT" his bodyguard yelled Jisung sighed and stood up wincing at the sudden pain that shot through his body from the corner of his eye he could see the male who's always sitting on the bench Jisung always found him self checking if the other came or not it became a small habit .

Jisung entered the house and his mother came and hugged him "hello sweetie how was your walk " she asked 'sweetly ' Jisung wanted to push her away so bad he wanted to scream at her but he can't he know what will happen if he did anything wrong .

"It was fine mother " he whispered and she smiled at him kissing his forehead, and Jisung has the argue to throw up "come on dinner is ready" she pulled him by the hand and made him sit on the chair before feeding him he quietly allowed her to do as she pleased he doesn't want any punishments .

After he finished his mother held his hand again leading him to his room "now my little sweet boy I want you to rest very well okay you have an important client in a few days and I want you to look the best okay" she said holding his cheeks and jisung was one edge of crying "yes mother" he said as his voice cracked a little " that's my lovely sweets sleep well honey "she said hugging him and kissing his cheeks before leaving and locking the door behind her.

Jisung allowed his tears to fall , he allowed himself to breakdown and cry , he hated her he hated his father , he hated every man that touched him unwillingly, he lost hope long time ago but he didn't want to give up.

Not yet.

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