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  Minho was staring at his laptop screen for a long time , he's not in the mood for playing , he knows that they will not kill the boys cause if that was the purpose they'd already be dead by now and their bodies would be delivered to his door .

"I have a thought " he suddenly said catching the attention of the people in the room "what?" Chan asked facing minho he was also searching for something a clue or anything "who's our best source of weapons in Japan? " he asked eyes never leaving the screen "that'd be K.....why?" Hannah asked "look what I found " he said leaning away from laptop to allow the two to see .

"Is that......what?....." Chan said confused as he looked at the pictures "k knew Niki and taki? ???" Hannah said "what did he tell us the last time we visited??? Remember? " minho spoke leaning back on his chair Chan and Hannah started thinking before it hit them.

"Don't tell me ....... Niki and taki were two of the friends that K lost???!!!"

"OR so he thought , knowing k he'd do anything for them do you understand? " minho said and Chan gritted his teeth " they're using Niki and taki to take away our best source of weapons! " Hannah groaned .

Minho smirked "why are you smirking " Chan said but minho ignored him standing up and leaving the room "okay this is either a good thing or a bad thing and I can't decide which one is it. ....." he spoke and Hannah nodded .

"How did find out about this?" Chan said massaging his forehead "I swear I hate them all " he said looking back at the laptop .


Minho walked to the door and ranged the bell a few seconds the door opened "....who are you ?" The male said .

"I know where your friends are" minho spoke ignoring the question " I don't have friends " the male said wanting to close the door but minho's words stopped him "not even Niki and taki. .or even K?" The male chuckled dryly "they're dead asshole " he said " they're not dead I know that you're a very good person at returning things safe also stealing and kidnapping " minho spoke inviting himself inside "who are you? " the male asked again .

"It's doesn't matter right now " he spoke before throwing a file to the other who caught it " if you want Niki and taki you'll find them there bring them to the location at the back of the file " he spoke before walking to the door "what make you think that I'll do that you might be lying " minho didn't say anything and pointed at the file before leaving the house .

He went back to his mansion and walked to jisung's room he knocked on the door before going in ,he smiled seeing the pout on jisung's lips oh how bad he wanted to kiss him until be couldn't breathe anymore but he has to hold back for jisung.

"You're late!" Jisung complained and minho chuckled lightly " sorry little angle I had a few things to take care of " he said and jisung blushed at the nickname "how about you tell me this time " minho suggested and jisung looked at him confused "tell me about you " minho said sitting on his usual spot jisung was hesitating at first but decided to talk to the male .

"Well my parents never treated me like their child " he started lying down and hugging his plushie "they never cared they always treated me like trash but one day a friend of theirs came to our house " Jisung spoke and shivered at the memory "I was thirteen that time, my mother asked me to get them and their guests something to drink " minho noticed how his voice started shaking "you don't have to continue little angle" minho spoke concerned but the younger shook his head .

"I wanna " he whispered before taking a deep breath "I did as I was told , when I went to serve them the man commented that I was p-pretty , he said that he'd even pay to have a little fun with me and it seemed like my parents liked the i-idea" Jisung didn't notice that he was crying " my mom offered me to him and said If he paid he can do as he pleased with me and he did" Jisung started sobbing into the plushie minho was glad he killed them cause it broke his heart to see jisung like this he wanted to comfort the boy but he knew his limits "it never stopped ..it's t-true that they started acting like t-they care but it n-never felt r-right" his voice broke as he sobbed loudly .

"You know that you did deserve that right?" Minho spoke calmly "you know that it's never your fault ,you don't deserve them touching you in a way that you didn't want you're not disgusting my little angle " minho spoke softly and jisung sat up staring at him with tearful eyes he was still crying "You're beautiful and you have a beautiful body their touches doesn't mean anything you're still a pure and innocent soul" minho's words seemed to ease him and he started sniffing "You deserve everything beautiful in this life and i would give you the universe if I could , you're perfect you're amazing and you're pretty don't let anyone tell you otherwise my precious little one" Jisung broke into tears again this time it was a happy one , it was nice hearing those words.

He made grabby hands at minho "p-please hold me " he said and minho hesitated before walking over and embracing jisung who throw himself at him and gripped tightly on his shirt crying his eyes out , minho felt in heaven, he was glad that jisung trusted him enough to allow him to be the close he held the boy tightly whispering sweet nothings into his ear .

Jisung for the first time in forever felt safe while holding into someone, he felt like nothing will get him as long as he's in minho's embrace.

"You're safe with me little angle"

"Thank you hyung"


Minho left jisung's room after tucking him in he felt so light and happy as he grew closer to the younger, he didn't want to leave but he had to for two reasons.

One , he didn't want jisung to be uncomfortable

Two he has thing to deal with .

He walked to his office and sat down opening his laptop.

"I really hope he get them before tomorrow "

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