Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6 :: Miss you

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"Why h-he talk to me like that he never did this !! I will not g-gonna talk to him until he tell me the reason why he hate his own bestfriend"

~After 2 hours~

Suga POV

I should understand her , it's not her fault she don't know anything , Ahhhhh I FUCK
UP , i will say sorry to her tomorrow , i go to bedroom look at her she was getting shivers cuz of coldness i put blanket on her , my heartache by seeing her dry tears on her cheeks , i kiss her forehead and softly rub her hands "Im sorry !! I love you" i hug her tightly and sleep


I open my eyes when Sun light hit my face , i look beside me she wasn't there , she never go without waking me what's wron--- ahhh yesterday !! I go to do my morning routine , soon i came down , she was eating her breakfast WITHOUT ME !!

"Good morning Baby" She didn't even look at me , i sit on my knees in front of her and hold her hands lightly "Im sorry for yesterday , I'm sorry for hurting you" She take her hands away form me and go to kitchen , i backhugged her "Sorr--"

"We have to go now" namjoon said from behind living room i shout back "Coming !!" Then i look at her "Baby i have mission today i will come home late ok eat you meals on time , sleep on time don't wait for me" She look at me worriedly, Wow what a girl !! She is worried about me still not talking , i smile kiss her but she didn't , then i left with Jimin n Namjoon



I'm so scared why he didn't come it's too late , negetive thoughts were running in my head ,Sugiiii come fast , i was just roaming in here and there !!

~After 2 hours~

Idk when i sleep but when door get open i immediately open my eyes and rush to door , there was 2 guards , who were holding S-sugi ... He was fully injured , his whole body was fill with small and deep cuts , my heart break into pieces , i hold him then two guards bow to me and left , i carefully make my way to bedroom !

"Why you didn't sleep yet ahh ?? I told you to sleep on ti--umm " I make him sit on bedroom carefully "S-shut up" he smiled "are you still mad ?" "I hate you , i will not gonna talk to you until you tell me about Hyunjin why you are behaving like that" I said cryingly , he pull me into hug

"I love you too Ahhh baby don't talk about him and don't cry it's hurt" will really not gonna tell me i madly replied "yes I'm nothing to you" "You are my whole world" he said with huge smile on his face ahh don't smile Min Suga !!! "Nice" i said
"B---" "Can't you take care of yourself" tears weren't stoping at all "Its nothing bab---" he said trying to comfort me ??? "F-for y-you not for m-me , it's so painful"

I go to cupboard and bring first aid kit , unbotton his shirt and started treating his wounds "Its so sweet !!! wounds i have and it's paining you" he chuckled "I hate you so much !! You don't love me" i said without looking at him " Ofcourse " i look at him immediately "I don't love you I LOVE YOU INFINITY" i look down controlling my blush ahhh why he is like this, he chuckled

"A-hh it's burning" she groan in pain "So ???" I said giving him death glare "Nothing" "You are not mad at me i know" he said with smirk on his face
"Im" i replied with making any eye contact with him "If you were mad at me then you've sleep early and didn't treated my wounds"I didn't said anything cuz I'm mad at him but I'm not, i go n put first aid kit in cupboard

"Did you eat anything ?" He shook his head, i go to kitchen and Started making vegetable soup and porridge for him and come back to room "Sit on my lap n Feed me" he said with pout "No" i immediately said "you have to !!" He pull me closer to him and make me sit on his lap and

"Ahhhh !!" He is crazy , he have wounds everywhere and he aishh , i was about to stand but he didn't let me stand "Umm noo ahh stay here i didn't feel you the whole day BABYGIRL ahh !! I'm hungr--" I started feeding him "Its good, did you eat ?" I nodded , Tears From my eyes again by seeing his in this condition , he wiped my tears with small smile

"Don't worry I'm ok" he isn't good in lying "you are not" "You are here to take care of me so i will be fine" He kiss my forehead , he was about to kiss my lips but i didn't let him , he look at me with pout on his face

"Go and sleep" i stand from him laps "B---" "SLEEP !!!" I help him to laid on bed and i lay too , he was about to hug me , i go away "Is this punishment ??" I nodded "Please hug this poor guy !! " He said in dramatic way "Stop your drama and Close you eyes" He immediately close his eyes

~After 15 minutes~

He didn't open his eyes so it means he already sleep , i carefully put blanket on both you us , peck his lips , lightly hug him and sleep !!

Next day

His wound were not paining like yesterday still i didn't allow him to go to his work , how can I? it's still paining , i want to kiss him badly but i will not until he tell me the truth of Hyunjin , i make my way to bedroom to feed him night meal !!

Suga POV

I was waiting for her to come , I'm Missing her alot from 1 hour she is down and not even letting me to go anywhere aishhh in that door got open , she was bringing food , i put food tray on stand amf make her sit on my lap , she take food tray again and started feeding me , i know she will not gonna talk to me till i tell her about that jerk but it will hurt her !! After feeding she go , i was just waiting, waiting and waiting then she came make me laid on bed her back was facing me!!

"baby ?!" I heard her humm "I'M MISSING YOU !!" She didn't said anything , i backhugged her she was trying to pull me but i hold her tightly

°To Be Continue°

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