Episode 1: A man possessed by an evil spirit

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'Jotaro Kujo, 17 years old. Height: 195 cm. His Father is Japanese and a Jazz musician. He's currently on tour. His Mother is American of a British descent.'
'Yes, Jotaro is definetly my son..' Holly whispered, she wiped her tears with a silky cloth.
The man glanced at her.
 'Apparently his friends at school call him "JoJo".'
'Derived from the "Jo" in Jotaro, and the "jo" in Kujo.'
The other guard snickered.
'That's pretty dumb!'
'He got into a fight.' The guard continued.
'Actually, the thugs were armed with nun-chucks and knifes. There were four, including a former boxer.' He explained
'And between them, 15 bones were broken.' 

The bigger guard heaved open the heavy, metal doors.
'Come on, i'll show you the way.' He grunted
The other guard shut the door behind them. 
'Well, anyway, please take your son home.'
A smile curled on Holly's lips. 'What? He's coming home already!?'
The guard chuckled. 'Well we can't keep him forever.'
They rounded the corner. Holly sprung into a jog. 'Jotaro! Jotaro!.. Jotaro!!'
'Shut up! Your so damn annoying you bitch!..' He Jotaro yelled.
His huge shoulders supported him as he layed sat on his bed, his lower half, splayed out on the bed. 
'Okay!' responded Holly.
Holly turned to the guards, talking to them about something. Jotaro shook his head and rolled over onto his side.
The guard scrunched up his face, his rage surging through his tone, as he kicked the bars.
'Hey! Don't fall asleep Jotaro! Your being released! What part of: "Go home" Do you not understand?!'
He sat up, an irritated look on his face. The guards swallowed.
'Mum, go home.' He said gently.
'I'm not going to leave here for a while.' Holly stepped back in shock, and searched her son's eyes for a reason.
'I've been possed by an evil spirit. I don't know what he'll make me do.' Jotaro said, shrugging.
'Even during the fight, it took all I had to stop it.' Holly hung her head.
'So don't let me out of this cell.'
'For crying out loud..' The guard hissed. 'See what i'm talking about?'
The other guard came to Holly's side. 'We're trying to get him to leave, but he keeps refusing.'
'Forgive my asking, but is your son alright upstairs?' He said, tapping his own head.
Holly nodded desperatly.
Jotaro broke the silence, as he stabbed a pen through a beer can. and quickly drank the contents.
'Hey! Your locked up! How did'ya get that in here!?' He screeched.
'I told you.' A comic floated gently into Jotaro's hands. 'It's the evil spirit.' 
'This might not be enough from letting you release me..'
Jotaro stepped forward, and walked to the fron of the cell. A huge, gloved purple arm, that only him, and Holly could see, reached through the bars, and snatched the gun from the guard's belt.

Suddenly, without warning he shot his own head but to their surpirise

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Suddenly, without warning he shot his own head but to their surpirise... The bullet, had stopped, as if time stopped itself. the strong purple arm, was holding the bullet a cm from his head.
(it's not gonna go by the actual speech of the ep now)
Jotaro grabbed the bullet and threw it onto the ground. He chucked the gun along with it.
'Belive me now?' He hissed with irritation

Holly waited at the airport, a warm smile spread across her face as she saw her old man.
Joseph searched the crowd. until he found her.
'Holly!' He laughed, as Holly came bounding up towards him, she latched onto him, in a big hug. 'Oi, Holly.. Come on now.'
'I haven't seen you in so long!' She giggled, still hugging him.
'Holly, thats enough.'
She stepped back. 'Okay! 

Jotaro rolled his eyes as he heard the metal doors opening.
She's probably come back.. He sighed, and shook his head, What now?..

He listened, Holly's familir steps sounded in his ears, but there's something else..
two people?

One guard, and Holly came up to the bars. and to Jotaro's surprise..

'Old man?'  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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