31: Pretty Boy

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Harry was always a big cuddler. It was one of his favourite things in the entire world. Even when we were young, in a time where our relationship was nothing more than just platonic, he'd ask me to hold him when we'd happen to nap together or watch a movie. Tonight was no exception to that, and he honestly didn't even need to ask me before I was pulling him into my arms right after I had returned to the bed once I cleaned up. He was exhausted, his eyes falling closed the second his head fell on my chest, his arm draping around my waist. It was always me who held him in my arms, rarely ever the other way around. I didn't mind. I liked it. I liked how his hair smelled, tickling my chin while I ran my fingers through it. I liked getting lost in the intricate lines of his tattoos, trying to make sense of them even though I never could. And I liked the pressure his tall broad frame would apply onto my body when he'd lie practically on top of me.

But it was the first time in my life I couldn't enjoy it, couldn't appreciate it for what it was. My attention was captured by the man exiting the bathroom, whose shirt I was wearing as I laid in bed. Niall didn't glance towards me as he went to the vanity, where I realised he had left his phone, room key and cigarettes. He picked up the first of those three things, his back turned to me. But I could barely see him looking down at his phone through the mirror.

"Is he asleep?" His question caught me off guard, his voice barely loud enough for me to hear. I looked down at Harry, carding my hand through the hair at the side of his head. His plump lips were parted, soft breaths hitting my collarbone. The long dark lashes that framed his emerald eyes were resting on his rosy cheeks, making him look soft, innocent and precious.

"I think so." I whispered. Niall hummed in response, putting his phone down before turning around to face me.

"Think you can move without waking him up?" Though confused at his follow up question, I nodded my head.

"Let's go then." My eyes went wide, his words catching me completely off guard.

"What? Where?" He sighed in annoyance, making a point out of rolling his eyes.

"You really wanna talk about this now and risk waking him up?" He was being cryptic, raising his brows at me as he expected me to get up. I considered my two options for a few seconds, my curiosity over what he had in mind getting the best of me. As carefully as I could, I lifted Harry's head and got out from under him. He stirred, and I thought I disturbed him for a second. But he only gripped onto the pillow and pulled it under him to get comfortable, his eyes remaining closed. I looked up at Niall leaning against the vanity with his arms crossed, tapping his fingers onto his bicep impatiently.

"Do I need to take anything with me?" I asked him in an effort to understand what was happening, keeping my voice low as I walked towards my suitcase on the floor.

"No, we're not leaving the building. But I am gonna need my shirt." He smirked, staring back at me. It was my turn to roll my eyes, taking the shirt off and tossing it to him before putting on one of mine, finding a pair of baggy jeans to slip over my legs. My hair was messy and probably frizzy, but I found no reason for me to do anything to it as I pulled on a pair of sneakers. Niall was ready to go by the time I was, standing by the door fully dressed in the shorts and shirt he came here with, his phone and cigarettes in one hand. I walked towards the door, but he stopped me before I reached it by lifting a hand.

"Wait. Do you have any hair pins?" I furrowed my brows, going to the vanity where I had left my toiletry bag.

"I think so." I looked through it, managing to spot what he was asking me for. In the process of doing that, my eyes fell to the notepad and pen provided by the hotel. So I grabbed them, deciding to leave Harry a note in case he woke up and realised he was alone.

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