45: Misery Business

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Niall's arm was draped over my waist when I woke up, keeping a firm grip on me as if I'd evaporate during the night. It was kind of sweet. Thinking he might be awake, I whispered his name to get his attention, but he was still asleep. So, carefully not to disrupt him, I lifted his arm and sat up, looking down at him as he scrunched his face, his hair all over the place and his cheeks puffy.

Waking up next to him that morning felt different, weird even. But in an oddly good way. I simply could not wrap my head around what happened last night. I stared at him in disbelief as he slept, unbothered by the sunlight hitting his face. It was crazy to me, how easily I gave in to him when I swore I'd never fall into that trap again. But here I am, doing exactly what I had avoided for years.

Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe a week, a month, a year from now I'll look back to last night and curse myself for the imprudent decision I made in the drop of a hat.

But maybe it's not a mistake.

That optimistic, annoying little voice in the back of my head took over, filling me with hope, making me realise that maybe I'm a fool for having that hope, for considering a future with him, whatever that might be.

To think about all that seemed like a bit too much to do first thing in the morning, especially on an empty stomach that had been complaining for a while. I leaned down, placing a kiss on his nose. With a burst of energy I couldn't really explain or even understand myself, I got up and headed out of the room as quietly as I could. On my way downstairs, I ordered breakfast from my favourite place that was just down the street before heading for the kitchen to make tea for myself and brew a fresh pot of coffee to have ready to go. I hoped Niall wouldn't wake up before breakfast got here, and I deeply sighed in relief once the doorbell rang twenty minutes after I had placed the order.

I didn't wanna go too crazy, so I got just a simple English breakfast with all the staples, each of which was packaged separately. I was well aware I could've left it like that and be done with it. But I decided against it, grabbing two large plates instead. It was stupid, but I wanted to make this morning special in some sort of way. Since I didn't really have the necessary skill to prepare any of the food in front of me myself, I decided that at least making them a bit more presentable would do.

The footsteps on the stairs sounded at the perfect moment just a few minutes later, just when I was almost done with the plating, and I realised it was the first time I had heard Niall approaching before he entered my line of vision.

"Did you make breakfast for me, petal?" I looked over my shoulder, surprised by his sudden close proximity to my side as he leaned over my shoulder to take a peak at what I was working on.

"Nope. I ordered in and plated it up so it looks like I made it." I gave him a sarcastic smile, making him chuckle as he turned to me.

"But now I know you didn't make it."

"You're just gonna have to pretend like you don't." With his plate completely filled, I took a fork and placed it on the side of the plate.

"It's still sweet of you." He caught me off guard by the quick kiss on my cheek, but I didn't let that show. I guess I should get used to those casual gestures of affection people in relationships do.

"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you." I joked, handing him his plate. He stifled a laugh and accepted it, nodding before he walked away. I twisted around, watching him walk away clad in only loose basketball shorts, no shirt present. He reached the kitchen island and set his plate down, pulling out the stool. He winced as he sat down, his movements slow and cautious. I smirked, not being able to help myself from commenting.

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